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Camille Quotes

  1. swimmyshark swimmyshark
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 11:10am UTC
    The boys next door
    Chapter Four,
    Two weeks later
    I flipped over on my stomach to get an even tan.
    "You're seriously so hot." Josh said, running his fingers along my spine.
    I shivered, "Am I?" I could almost hear his smile.
    "Of course, you've got sexy blonde hair and a rockin' bod."
    I giggled, he was right in a sense.
    I had long, light blonde hair and the body of an athlete.
    His fingertips skimmed my waist and he gently snapped my bikini top.
    "Nothing compared to you though." I said, which was true.
    He had perfect washboard abs and evenly toned skin.
    I sat up and looked over at him. He was propped up on his elbow.
    He shook his head, "You're so much prettier than I am." He laughed though.
    Our faces were inches apart, the sun was beating down and
    there was sand between my toes.
    The ocean was spraying sea water into the air and I was drunk off his looks.
    "And you know what else?" He said, lifting my chin up with his finger.
    "What?" I whispered.
    "Your eyes. They're the bluest eyes i've ever seen."
    And I didn't answer because he gently touched his lips to mine, and kissed me softly.
    He pulled away to silently ask if this was okay.
    His eyes bore into mine and I reached forward to kiss him again.
    Laughter broke us apart.
    "haha ewww!"
    I looked up at a group of little kids covered in water and sand. They were watching us and laughing. I pulled away blushing fiercely, and slipped a tee shirt on.
    They ran away and Josh looked at me and smiled.
    I was almost shaking, I can't believe I kissed him.
    We walked back to the car hand in hand.
    What am I getting myself into?
    Another short story by swimmyshark
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  2. swimmyshark swimmyshark
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 10:40am UTC
    The boys next door
    Chapter Three
    When I pulled into the coffee shop my first thought was 'Hipster.'
    I mean, please.
    The windows had beaded curtains in multicolors, the chairs were what you would call 'vintage' but I would call 'old.'
    But, it did sort of have a homy feel to it.
    I sat down and ordered a chai latte, toying with the strings on the window.
    "Chai Latte, anything else?" I looked up and accepted my drink from the tall dark haired boy. He was wearing a plain green shirt which accented his gray eyes and black skinny jeans. "No, thanks." I smiled and he sort of saluted me but ended up nearly poking his eye out, I giggled as he walked away.
    I pushed my empty mug to the edge of the table a few minutes later and I left a tip, he was cute afterall. And as I stood he came waltzing over. He passed by the table and came up to me. "I'm Tony, sorry about earlier, I kind of make a fool of myself in front of cute girls." He blushed and I figured I did too.
    "Uh, Thanks? I think.." He smiled and flipped his wavy hair, "See you around some time?" I nodded, "Yeah for sure."
    "This day has been pretty good.." I spoke to myself on the ride home.
    "I think i'll go down there again tomorrow. I mean, that boy was really cute."
    Another short story by swimmyshark
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  3. swimmyshark swimmyshark
    posted a quote
    February 10, 2013 10:34am UTC
    The boys next door
    Chapter Three
    When I pulled into the coffee shop my first thought was 'Hipster.'
    I mean, please.
    The windows had beaded curtains in multicolors, the chairs were what you would call 'vintage' but I would call 'old.'
    But, it did sort of have a homy feel to it.
    I sat down and ordered a chai latte, toying with the strings on the window.
    "Chai Latte, anything else?" I looked up and accepted my drink from the tall dark haired boy. He was wearing a plain green shirt which accented his gray eyes and black skinny jeans. "No, thanks." I smiled and he sort of saluted me but ended up nearly poking his eye out, I giggled as he walked away.
    I pushed my empty mug to the edge of the table a few minutes later and I left a tip, he was cute afterall. And as I stood he came waltzing over. He passed by the table and came up to me. "I'm Tony, sorry about earlier, I kind of make a fool of myself in front of cute girls." He blushed and I figured I did too.
    "Uh, Thanks? I think.." He smiled and flipped his wavy hair, "See you around some time?" I nodded, "Yeah for sure."
    "This day has been pretty good.." I spoke to myself on the ride home.
    "I think i'll go down there again tomorrow. I mean, that boy was really cute."
    Another short story by swimmyshark
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  4. swimmyshark swimmyshark
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 12:24pm UTC
    The boys next door
    Chapter Two
    "Can I go out for a bit before it gets dark?"
    I said, taking a bite of my tomato sandwhich.
    "Sure honey, but don't get lost, please." My mom was already cleaning the
    spotless marble kitchen. It was her stainless steel sanctuary.
    That's why we moved out here to Cali, she got a job in the culinary field.
    I hooked the car key around my pinky and laughed, "I won't."
    I had just turned 16 about 6 months ago; so I was as eager as any teen to get on the road.
    I was walking slowly to the car when a football flew past my face, a mere inch from my cheek. "What the!" I yelled. I spun around and a cute boy was already jogging into my yard. He picked up the ball and came loping back over to me.
    "I'm Josh, sorry about that." We shook hands and his brilliantly white smile burned my retinas. I blinked. "Camille." I said. He cocked his head to the right.
    "I'm Camille, I mean."
    "Oh, alright cool. See ya around neighbor." He flipped his blonde brown hair and jogged off to an equally large house next to mine where he tossed the ball to a short, tan boy.
    I shook my head to clear it and got in the car and then set the GPS to a gelato stand we'd passed on our way here.
    All I could think about was how beautiful that boy was.
    Another short story by swimmyshark
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  5. swimmyshark swimmyshark
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2013 12:11pm UTC
    The boys next door
    Chapter One
    "It's so hot!" My little brother complained from the back seat.
    I shot him a dirty look, "I think it's nice." My mom kept her eyes on the road.
    "Can we have a bit of silence for the last mile stretch?" She asked irritatedly.
    I shrugged and looked out the window.
    Here we were in Los Angeles California, the sun was shining and the sky was blue.
    "We'll be coming up on it." She muttered. She'd been driving for a while.
    She smoothly turned our black Prehis up a mildly steep but slick driveway.
    We parked in front of a humongous white, modern looking house.
    I grinned when I saw we had neighbors and I grabbed my tote from the car.
    I stretched my long legs and took off at a run for the front door.
    "It's unlocked!" My mom yelled, and I twisted the knob of the double wide door and bulleted inside. I dropped my bag on the dark mahogany wood.
    "Amazing." I breathed. It was huge and breath-taking.
    "Bring your things up to your rooms and be back down for dinner."
    I rocketed up the wide wooden steps and down the hall into the third door on the left.
    This place was giant!
    My room was the size of mine, my brothers, and my parents' back in Connecticut.
    I spun around, the white walls and sea green curtains billowing in my sight.
    I flopped onto the huge princess bed and relished in my violet bedspread.
    As I sat admiring the sand toned hard wood floor it finally hit me how great my
    new life would be. I was going to take charge and be a new me.
    A better me.
    "Camille!" My mom called. I took my time getting downstairs.
    Another short story by swimmyshark
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