Witty Profiles

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Time started: 5:07 pm
Gender: Female
Birthday: September 10 , 1998
Eye color: Dark brown
Shoe size: 8½ - 9
Height: 5'0 ½
What are you wearing: Shorts and a Nor-Cal sweater
Righty or lefty: Righty
Who are your closest friends: Angil , Melissa , Miguel , Daisy
Best place for a date?: The Beach
Fave Color?: Purple , Blue , Black
Fave Number: 23
Fave Boys Name:  Noah , Nolan
Fave Girls Name: Destiny Rose
Fave Sport: Volleyball, Softball , Cheerleading
Fave Month: July
Fave movies: Uptown Girl
Juice: I don't like juice :P
Breakfast food: Waffles
Favorite cartoon character: Patrick Star
Given anyone a bath:  Noo
Smoked: Noo
Made yourself throw-up: Noo
Gone skinny dipping: Lol Noo
Eaten a dog: Haaha NO !!
Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Noo
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Yes
Played truth or dare: Yess
Been in a physical fight: Noooo
Been on a plane: Yes !
Been in a hot tub: Yes
Cried when someone died: Yes
Fell off your chair: Yesssssss
Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: No 0.o
Saved e-mails: Yes
Fallen for one of your best guy friends: Yes....
Made out with JUST a friend?: Lol no
Used someone?:  No , been used ? Yes !!!
Whats your good luck charm?: nada
Best song you ever heard: Hummingbird heartbeat :o OMG !!!
What's your bedroom like: plain white , one direction posters EVERYWHERE !
Last thing you said: It was not that loud !
What is beside you? A table and my brother .-.
What kind of shampoo do you use: i d k o.0
Best thing that has happened to you this year?: I stop cutting ! 17 days now ! oh and i have a boyfriend !!
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: nothing ...
Chicken pox: No
Sore Throat: Yup
Stitches: No
Broken nose: No
Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes
Like school: Mmmm depends ! who's there ?
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOUR MIND !!!.
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?: Angil , Melissa , Miguel , Tj , i would also bring food....who could go wrong with fooooood !!?
Who was the last person that called you: no one .-.
What makes you laugh the most?: Melissa , Miguel , Tj
What makes you smile?: people.......... /.\
your loudest friend: Melissa
Do you like filling these out?: Ya...sure !
Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
Do you like yourself:  Lol no !
Do you get along with your family: Nope....
Stolen anything over $50:  Nooo
What are you listening to right now?: Hummingbird Heatbeat - Katy Perry
Got any awards?: Yup
What car do you wish to have: Chrysler 300 <--- Bad spelling shhh .-.
Where do you want to get married: Beach
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be: My tummy and legs
Good driver: I can't drive !
Good singer?: haahahahaha ! No .-.
Have a lava lamp?: no :(
How many remote controls are in your house: Many
Double jointed: yaa
What do you dream about: scary and odd shhhhiz !
Last time you showered: last night (;
Last time you took a bath: don't remember ! tooooo old !
Chocolate: hehe xD Yaaa
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
Summer or winter: Summer
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearl: Diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up: Sprite
Cats or dogs: BOTTTH !
Coffee or tea: Tea
Phone or in person: Both
Indoor or outdoor:  Both
End Time: 5:23pm
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Time started: 5:07 pm Gender: Female Birthday: September 10 ,

1 faves · Jan 27, 2013 8:24pm





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