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Forget Me Not

“I bet you weren’t allowed to sneak off with me tonight either,” Oliver teased, flirtily. Randi’s blush intensified, and she laughed timidly.
“What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked with a knot in her stomach.
“Nah,” Oliver said, and he slid down onto the seat next to Randi. He stared off towards the water as he said, “I don’t really date much.”
“Why not?” Randi asked. Between his good looks, money, and what so far seemed like an amazing personality, she was sure he could get any girl he wanted.
“I guess there’s just no one that I’m really interested in,” he said, looking her directly in the eyes. She looked down, suddenly aware of how close his moving to the bench had made him. “Well,” he smiled, and looked back out into the water, giving Randi the courage to look back up at him. “There is one girl.” His fingers casually brushed Randi’s where they sat on the bench between them. Randi’s heart pounded, and she felt a strange, electric feeling where their skin had met.
That was an accident, she told herself. He didn’t mean to touch you. He’s not talking about you.
“But I just met her,” Oliver continued, and Randi focused on his voice so she didn’t become lost in her thoughts, debating with herself whether or not he was feeling the same attraction towards her that she felt towards him. His fingers once again grazed hers, this time for a bit longer. Randi didn’t think it could be an accident this time – not twice in a row.
“You might be surprised,” Randi told him, nervously. He looked over at her and smiled. This time when his hand brushed hers, Randi found the courage to flip her hand over, and their fingers interlocked. Oliver swallowed. It was the only sign that showed how nervous he really was, but Randi was too distracted by the way his hand felt to catch it.
“I thought you weren’t allowed,” he teased, looking down at her, amazed at how animate her light brown eyes were.
“What my mom doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” Randi said with more boldness than she knew she had. Her attitude both surprised him and made him smile.
“Does that mean you’ll be my girlfriend?” Oliver said quickly, before he lost his nerve. Randi took in a sharp breath of surprise.
“I –“ she began, but then her phone went off before she could finish. Blushing furiously, she turned away from Oliver and pulled her phone out of her bra. Oliver smiled, slightly amused at her embarrassment.
“Shoot,” Randi muttered under her breath when she saw that it was her mom. “Hello?” she answered the call, hoping to sound natural.
“Hi honey,” Suzanne said sweetly, an automatic sign that she was still at the party. She wouldn’t want to attract unwanted attention to the fact that her daughter was missing. Randi relaxed a little, knowing she hadn’t been caught for sure yet. If she had been, Randi was sure her mom would have found an excuse to leave the party already. “I was just wondering where you are. I have someone I want to introduce you to.”
“I just stepped outside for a second,” Randi said, wondering if her words sounded as phony to Suzanne as they did to her. She stood up and started walking towards the car, pulling Oliver along behind her. “It was getting a little stuffy. I’ll be back inside in a couple minutes.”
As soon as Randi was off the phone, both she and Oliver broke into a run towards the car. They were both laughing when they got into the car. Oliver pulled out, tires squealing, and sped the entire drive back. Their speed both scared and exhilarated Randi.
By some miracle, they pulled in the driveway and got back inside without being caught by either of their parents – or anyone else, for that matter.
Suzanne smiled when she saw Randi. Randi smiled back politely and walked over to meet another of Suzanne’s colleague. Oliver caught her eye from across the room and winked. She smiled and looked away quickly.
After listening to Suzanne and John small talk for a while, smiling and laughing when necessary, Suzanne announced that she was ready to leave, saying something about having to get up early in the morning – which Randi knew was a complete lie. She cringed inside, knowing that behind her mom’s smiling facade, she was angry at Randi for ruining the image of the “perfect daughter”.
The three of them found Mr. Elliot to let him know they were leaving, and Oliver jumped in right away to offer to get their coats. Randi smiled a little, and when Oliver passed her on his way to get the coats, he wiggled his eyebrows. Randi bit back a laugh and turned back to Mr. Elliot who was being smothered with compliments from Suzanne. Randi fought back the urge to roll her eyes.
at the same time. 

      Author's Note:Thanks for reading! All of your feedback means so much to me.
I love you all!
*Comment if you'd like to be updated for chapter 4*

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Forget Me Not 3 “I bet you weren’t allowed to sneak

44 faves · 21 comments · Jul 24, 2012 8:29pm






x_beauty_x · 1 decade ago
notify me!! <3
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kayleekrusader · 1 decade ago
update please! it's spectacular! :) <3
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fluffybunny · 1 decade ago
notify me pleaseeeee
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xoaimeeox2730 · 1 decade ago
Awwh its so cute so far!! Does this mean they're dating now? Because Randi never fully answered Oliver. But theyre so adorable they have to date! :)
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1live2love9laugh6 · 1 decade ago
*It's not supposed to say, "at the same time." at the end!! Sorry guys.
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XxpandaluverxX · 1 decade ago
notify me plzzz :))
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Nishils · 1 decade ago
Goody:) Notify me please. tahnkss.
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Leoneo · 1 decade ago
it was cute story:)
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OnTheOtherSide · 1 decade ago
reminder please!
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ljames17 · 1 decade ago
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DemonicAngel · 1 decade ago
love the story notify plz :)
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GildedNightmare · 1 decade ago
Really liking it. I wonder what other surprises you have waiting...
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helloimblonde78 · 1 decade ago
reminderrr :)
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FelicisFeather · 1 decade ago
this is getting so good :) notify me please
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Lost Dreamer* · 1 decade ago
notify me throughout the entire story. :)
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pakiprincezz4 · 1 decade ago
Hey lovee your story girll :) notify me pleasee =)
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HeCheatedOnYouWithMe · 1 decade ago
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blair waldorf* · 1 decade ago
update me please(: love the story so far! you go girl! haha :P love ya! xoxo
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stephy12354 · 1 decade ago
update me please!!
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vintagekissesx · 1 decade ago
could you update me? please & thaaanks!(:
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