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Member Since: 13 Apr 2012 02:47am

Last Seen: 1 Apr 2014 05:24am

Birthday: May 18

Location: Brisbane, QLD

Gender: F

user id: 291826

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  1. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 2:43am UTC
    I'm not beautiful
    I'm just me
    Format by twilightgirl995

  2. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2012 2:27am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 2:08am UTC
    To me you were a book,
    but to you I was just a chapter.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  4. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 23, 2012 7:58pm UTC
    Spongebob Quote #4
    Spongebob: Hey Patrick, I found something funnier than 24!
    Patrick: What is it?
    Spongebob; 25!!
    * both laughing and hitting thier heads against desks*

  5. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 8:35pm UTC
    Authors Note: second part , hope it's better than the last one. It's shorter though.
    I Wish You Were Here
    Chapter 1 Part 2
    Zayn's P.O.V.
    I had just started arranging my room when I here Louis talking to someone , I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, I listened to them talking for a little, Niall yelled something that I didn't quite hear then Louis went up the stairs and left the girl there. I walked out and told her to come sit down, I pulled out 2 bean bags and asked her if she wanted a drink. "Yes please." she said in a calm but sweet voice. " What would you like? " " Anything , just no sarsparella, I'm alergic. " " okay , I'll be back in a minute " I got us both a mountain dew, we sat and spoke for a couple of minutes until Louis came down stairs,
    L: " what are you guys doing? "
    Z: " talking. "
    C: " yeah , just talking. "
    L: "Okay, I have to go , have to get ready for the concert tonight."
    C: " I should probably go too, my mum would probably be wondering where I am, I'm usually home from my jog by now."
    Z: " Cya Chloe."
    I passed her my number and told her to call me if she needed anything. Louis said bye and then she left. I couldn't wait to see her again.
    Chloe's P.O.V
    I walked home and thought about the boys living next door, although it was a really short walk i had figured out what I was going to do, I'm not a selfish person but I wanted to sing with the boys, I'v been told I was a good singer alot of times, I wondered if the boys thought so too. I went into my room and closed the door, I put on my One direction CD and started singing , the CD's volume was really low so you could hear my voice over the top of it. I knew Harry's room was next to mine and I knew he was listening to me, My window was wide open and so was his. I was brushing my hair while I was singing. I was going through my draws after a while and I found some brunette hair dye, I told my mum and then started to open the packet , I heard Harry yelling out the window so i walked over and he yelled again " Don't dye your hair, it's beautiful the way it is! "
    " I hate my hair colour. " " well us boys like it." " Fine, but only for you." I put the hair dye away and got out some blue hair dye and put some blue streaks in. Harry saw me , I don't think he cared.

  6. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 22, 2012 7:18pm UTC
    30 day challenge
    day 1- 15 facts about you.
    day 2- the initials of the person you love.
    day 3- your closest friends to you.
    day 4- the thing you most fear.
    day 5- the saddest moment in your life.
    day 6- favorite sport(s).
    day 7- favorite song.
    day 8- your deepest secret.
    day 9- first impression on the guy you like now.
    day 10- last time you cried.
    day 11- thing closest to your heart.
    day 12- when you hear this song you cry.
    day 13- place wanna visit really badly.
    day 14- favorite book.
    day 15- favorite animal.
    day 16- favorite show.
    day 17- last time someone hurt you.
    day 18- the story behind your life.
    day 19- person who scares you the most.
    day 20- last major injury.
    day 21- favorite youtube video.
    day 22- phone type.
    day 23- biggest confession.
    day 24- last break up.
    day 25- last heart break.
    day 26- the day you regret the most.
    day 27- first friend.
    day 28- favorite drink.
    day 29- a letter to someone in your family.
    day 30- a letter to a friend.
    When I found out my Dad had cancer.

  7. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 4:44am UTC
    ♥today I told him♥
    that i loved him, he cried.

  8. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 4:02am UTC
    30 day challenge
    day 1- 15 facts about you.
    day 2- the initials of the person you love.
    day 3- your closest friends to you.
    day 4- the thing you most fear.
    day 5- the saddest moment in your life.
    day 6- favorite sport(s).
    day 7- favorite song.
    day 8- your deepest secret.
    day 9- first impression on the guy you like now.
    day 10- last time you cried.
    day 11- thing closest to your heart.
    day 12- when you hear this song you cry.
    day 13- place wanna visit really badly.
    day 14- favorite book.
    day 15- favorite animal.
    day 16- favorite show.
    day 17- last time someone hurt you.
    day 18- the story behind your life.
    day 19- person who scares you the most.
    day 20- last major injury.
    day 21- favorite youtube video.
    day 22- phone type.
    day 23- biggest confession.
    day 24- last break up.
    day 25- last heart break.
    day 26- the day you regret the most.
    day 27- first friend.
    day 28- favorite drink.
    day 29- a letter to someone in your family.
    day 30- a letter to a friend.

  9. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 12, 2012 3:59am UTC
    She lives in a fairytale
    somewhere to far for us to find..

  10. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 5:46am UTC
    click to see this quote

  11. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 5:18am UTC
    You only live once
    You obviously love oreos

  12. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 4:59am UTC
    30 day challenge
    day 1- 15 facts about you.
    day 2- the initials of the person you love.
    day 3- your closest friends to you.
    day 4- the thing you most fear.
    day 5- the saddest moment in your life.
    day 6- favorite sport(s).
    day 7- favorite song.
    day 8- your deepest secret.
    day 9- first impression on the guy you like now.
    day 10- last time you cried.
    day 11- thing closest to your heart.
    day 12- when you hear this song you cry.
    day 13- place wanna visit really badly.
    day 14- favorite book.
    day 15- favorite animal.
    day 16- favorite show.
    day 17- last time someone hurt you.
    day 18- the story behind your life.
    day 19- person who scares you the most.
    day 20- last major injury.
    day 21- favorite youtube video.
    day 22- phone type.
    day 23- biggest confession.
    day 24- last break up.
    day 25- last heart break.
    day 26- the day you regret the most.
    day 27- first friend.
    day 28- favorite drink.
    day 29- a letter to someone in your family.
    day 30- a letter to a friend.
    April, Lauren, Kayla, Koby, Madison, Piper, Mick, Dominic<3, Brodie-Ann, Daynah, Chloe.B and My cat Lilly.

  13. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 3:45am UTC
    Cute Graphic 1:
    it looks a little like this:
    Everyday my goal is
    to make someone smile.
    \This is supposed to be a smile/
    The "smile" will go from a normal mouth to a smile.
    <a href="http://www.cherrybam.com/inspiring-quotes.php" title="Inspiring Quotes, Inspiration Quotes,, Inspiring Sayings" target=_blank><img src="http://www.sadmuffin.net/cb/imgs/quotes-inspiring/002.gif" border=0 alt="Inspiring Quotes, Inspiration Quotes, Inspiring Sayings"></a>

  14. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2012 3:34am UTC
    ♥You are beautiful, no matter what they say.♥

  15. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2012 4:31am UTC
    Story format:
    Authors Note: text text text
    Title here
    Chapter . Part .
    Your P.O.V.
    text text text story story story
    Your besties P.O.V
    text text text story story story
    Format Credit superandom

  16. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 10, 2012 1:59am UTC
    Hello, need help with your quotes? Here you go!!
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    Other color names you can use:
    aliceblue, aqua, aquamarine, azure, beige, bisque, black, blueviolet, blueviolet, brown, burlywood, chartreuse, chocolate, coral, crimson, cyan, darkblue, darkcyan, darkgoldenrod, darkgray, darkgreen, darkorange, darkorchid, darkseagreen, darkslateblue, darkslategray, darkviolet, dimgray, dodgerblue, firebrick, florawhite, forestgreen, ghostwhite, gold, goldenrod, gray, green, greenyellow, honedew, hotpink, indianred, indigo, ivory, khaki, lemonchiffon, lightblue, lightcoral, lightcyan, lightgoldenrodyellow, lightgreen, lightgrey, lightpink, lightsalmon, lightseagreen, lightskyblue, lightslategray, lightsteelblue, lightyellow, limegreen, linen, maroon, mediumaquamarine, mediumblue, mediumpurple, mediumseagreen, mediumslateblue, mediumturquoise, mediumvioletred, midnightblue, mintcream, mistyrose, moccasin, navajowhite, navy, olivedrab, olivedrab, orange, orangered, orchid, palegreen, palevioletred, peachpuff, peru, pink, plum, powderblue, purple, royalblue, salmon, sandybrown, silver, skyblue, slateblue, slategray, snow, springgreen, steelblue, tan, teal, tomato, turquoise, wheat, white, whitesmoke, yellow, and yellowgreen.

  17. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 9:45pm UTC
    I want to:
    Kiss him,
    Text him,
    Hug him
    And call him
    even though we aren't dating

  18. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 9:22pm UTC
    ♥You Are Beautiful.♥

  19. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    ♥You are beautiful, no matter what they say.♥
    ▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌▌ nmf/mq

  20. superandom superandom
    posted a quote
    June 9, 2012 9:01pm UTC
    Authors Note: First part of the story, still learning how to make my story worth while :)
    I Wish You Were Here
    Chapter 1 Part 1
    Chloe's P.O.V.
    I walked into my room and crashed on a bean bag, I turned the TV on and switched to the channel 3 news, "One direction is going to Australia , how long will they be there? The boys say that they'll be going to Sydney first then making their way to Brisbane." I switched the TV off, ran down the stairs, grabbed the phone and called Madison,
    C:" Hey, guess what?!?!"
    C:"1D is coming to Australia!!"
    C:"Not sure but, I was watching the news and it said they'll be coming to Brisbane!!"
    M:" OMG!!, we have to get some concert tickets!!"
    C:"But we don't have the money!!"
    M:"I'll get a job at Woolworths and you get a job at....... Umm... Nandos !!"
    C:"Nandos?!?!, Okay!!"
    M:"Okay, I'll come over your house and we can write up our resume's."
    C:"Okay, come over tomorrow, k?"
    M:"K, got to go, bye."
    I went outside , I couldn't believe my eyes when i saw a big group of girls outside my house. I was wondering what was going on. " HEY YOU, WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING OUT HERE??" I yelled. I yelled so loud, I think someone in Japan missed it. the girls kept screaming and took no notice of me. I waited for the girls to leave, that's when i noticed someone taking stuff inside the house next door. I walked over and knocked on the door. To my amazement, Louis tomlinson answered.
    Louis P.O.V
    I opened the door to find a beautiful girl standing there, "H-h-h-Hello" she said in a shy sort of voice. "Hi, I'm pretty sure you know who i am, but, who are you?"I asked with suspicion. " my names Chloe, I live next door, I'm a big fan of One Direction." she said with a breath taking voice. "It's nice to meet you, why don't you come inside?" "okay" she smiled at me as I took her inside. " Louis, Harry wants you!!" Niall yells. I told Chloe to stay there and that I'd be back in a minute. I walked up the stairs and spoke to Harry.
    H:" whos that girl downstairs?"
    L:" Her names Chloe , she lives nextdoor."
    H:" Oh , okay, that's all i wanted to know."
    L:" Okay, I have to go back downstairs and make sure she's okay."
    H:" k , Have fun."
    L:" Haha, very funny."
    I walked back down the stairs and then i saw that Zayn had gotten to Chloe before i could, they were sitting on the bean bags talking about all the shops around the area.
    L:" Guys, do you want something to eat?"
    Z: "No, I just ate."
    C: "No thank-you Louis."
    L:"Okay, more for Niall."


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