Witty Profiles

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  1. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 6:29pm UTC
    How many stupid
    things have you done?
    Level 1:
    () Smoked A Cigarette
    () Smoked A Cigar
    (x) Kissed a member of the same gender
    () Drank Alcohol
    Level 2
    (x) Are / Been In Love
    (x) Been Dumped
    () Shoplifted
    () Been Fired
    () Been In A Fist Fight
    Level 3
    (x) Had A Crush On An Older Person
    (x) Skipped School
    (x) Seen Someone / Something Die
    Level 4
    () Had / Have A Crush On One Of Your Facebook Friends
    () Been To Paris
    () Been To England
    (x) Been On A Plane
    () Thrown Up From Drinking
    Level 5
    () Eaten Sushi
    () Been Snowboarding
    (x) Met Someone BECAUSE Of Facebook/Myspace/MXit
    () Been in a Mosh Pit
    Level 6
    (x) Taken Pain Killers
    (x) Loved/Liked Someone Who You Can't Have
    (x) Laid On Your Back And Watched Cloud Shapes Go By
    (X) Made A Snow Angel
    Level 7
    (x) Had A Tea Party
    (x) Flown A Kite
    (x) Built A Sand Castle
    () Gone Mudding
    (x) Played Dress Up
    Level 8
    (x) Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves
    (x) Gone Sledding
    (x) Cheated While Playing A Game
    (x) Been Lonely
    (X) Fallen Asleep At Work / School
    Level 9
    (x) Watched The Sun Set
    () Felt An Earthquake
    (x) Held A Snake
    Level 10
    (x) Been Tickled
    (x) Been Robbed / Vandalized
    () Been Cheated On
    (x) Been Misunderstood
    Level 11
    (x) Won A Contest
    () Been Suspended From School
    () Had Detention
    () Been In A Car / Motorcycle Accident
    Level 12
    (x) Had / Have Braces
    () Eaten A Whole Pint Of Ice Cream In One Night
    (x) Danced In The Moonlight
    Level 13
    (x) Hated The Way You Look
    () Witnessed A Crime
    () Pole Danced
    (x) Questioned Your Heart
    (x) Been Obsessed With Post It Notes
    Level 14
    (X) Squished Barefoot Through The Mud
    (x) Been Lost
    () Been To The Opposite Side Of The World
    (x) Swam In The Ocean
    (x) Felt Like You Were Dying
    Level 15
    (x) Cried Yourself To Sleep
    (x) Played Cops And Robbers
    (x) Recently Colored With Crayons / Colored Pencils / Markers
    (x) Sang Karaoke
    () Paid For A Meal With Only Coins
    Level 16
    (x) Done Something You Told Yourself You Wouldn't
    (x) Made Prank Phone Calls
    (X) Laughed Until Some Kind Of Beverage Came Out Of Your Nose
    () Kissed In The Rain
    Level 17
    (x) Written A Letter To Santa Claus
    (x) Watched The Sun Set and/or Sun Rise With Someone You Care/Cared About
    (x) Blown Bubbles
    (x) Made A Bonfire On The Beach or Anywhere
    Level 18
    () Crashed A Party
    () Have Travelled More Than 5 Days With A Car Full Of People
    (x) Gone Rollerskating / Blading
    (x) Had A Wish Come True
    Level 19
    (x) Worn Pearls
    (x) Jumped Off A Bridge
    (x) Swam With Dolphins
    Level 20
    (x) Got Your Tongue Stuck To A Pole/Freezer/Ice Cube
    () Kissed A Fish
    (xmybrothers) Worn The Opposite gender's Clothes
    (X) Sat On A Roof Top
    Level 21
    (x) Screamed At The Top Of Your Lungs
    (x) Done / Attempted A One-Handed Cartwheel
    (x) Talked On The Phone For More Than 4 Hours
    () Recently Stayed Up For A While Talking To Someone You Care About
    Level 22
    (x) Picked And Ate An Apple Right Off The Tree
    (x) Climbed A Tree
    (x) Had/Been In A Tree House
    (x) Been Scared To Watch Scary Movies Alone
    Level 23
    (X) Believe In Ghosts
    (x)Have/had More Then 30 Pairs Of Shoes
    () Streaking
    () Visited a Jail
    Level 24
    (x) Played Chicken
    () Been Told You're Hot By A Complete Stranger
    () Broken A Bone
    (x) Been Easily Amused
    Level 25
    () Caught A Fish Then Ate It Later
    (x) Caught A Butterfly
    (x) Laughed So Hard You Cried
    () Cried So Hard You Laughed
    Level 26
    () Mooned/Flashed Someone
    (x) Had Someone Moon/Flash You
    () Cheated On A Test
    (x) Forgotten Someone's Name
    () French Braided Someone’s Hair
    () Gone Skinny Dipping
    () Been Kicked Out Of Your House
    Level 27
    (x) Rode A Roller Coaster
    (x) Went Scuba-Diving/Snorkeling
    (X) Had A Cavity
    () Black-Mailed Someone
    (x) Been Black Mailed
    Level 28
    (x) Been Used
    (x) Fell Going UP The Stairs
    (x) Licked by A Cat
    (x) Bitten Someone
    () Licked Someone
    Level 29
    () Been Shot At/Or At Gunpoint
    () Flattened Someones Tires
    () Rode Your Bike/Driven Your Car Until The Fuel Light Came On
    () Got R20 Or Less Worth Of Fuel

  2. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 6:16pm UTC
    I don't normally do this but i'm bored so shhh. pink is girls, blue is boys
    1. Tommy
    2. ERic my bro
    3. Jackson
    4. David
    6. Connor
    7. Eli
    8. Darria
    9. Alaina
    10. Lindsey
    11. Alaina
    12. Juliann
    13. Emily
    How did you meet 10?
    she was in m study & made friends through my other friends
    Have you ever seen 4 cry?
    Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
    well considering that my brother is 9 and my friend is 12... never
    Are you good friends with 13?
    i gues.. .
    Do you think 5 is cute?
    Something about 1...
    i luv him... he dumped me awkard
    Whats 7s fav color?.
    blue.. no actually pink.. how would i know
    What would you do if 6 confessed that they like you?
    umm awakrdd. . .. no
    1 fact about 9?
    ALAINA(: love her
    Would you ever live with 4?
    david. . . no.
    Is 2 single?
    well hes nine.. i would hope so!

  3. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 6:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 9, 2012 5:54pm UTC
    Anyone else here..
    Terrible at painting their nails,
    because i just tried and it looked like it was done by a blind cat. I had to ask my mom to help me. . . .

  5. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 9:39pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2012 9:27pm UTC
    10 favorites
    • Favorite Color: PInk
    • Favorite Food: pasta.. but i lyk a lot of food
    • Favorite Singer(s):Luke Bryan, TOby Keith, Nikki Minaj etc
    • Favorite Movie: The Hunger Games, & Super 8
    • Favorite Sport: volleyball, gymnastics, cheer, field hockey
    • Favorite Season: SUMMMAH
    • Favorite Day Of the Week: Saturday
    • Favorite Ice Cream Flavor:MINT(:
    • Favorite Time of Day: nighttime !!!!!
    9 currents
    • Current Mood: EXCITED AND NOT TIRED
    • Current Taste: ummmm.. . .
    • Current Clothes: marron tank, and pink jean shorts.. nice matching
    • Current Computer: mac book air. pro someting.. the new one
    • Current Finger/Toenail Color: pink on toes, purple fingers with one black nail and a pink stripe on each
    • Current Time: 9:19pm
    • Current Surroundings:bed, pillow, phone yah
    • Current Annoyance(s):idontknow
    • Current Thought:well , im talking to lindsey, and im thinking about how to answer these questions
    8 Firsts
    • First Best Friend: Juliann
    • First crush this school year: Tommy.
    • First Screen Name: ohgod.. npchicken.. dont judge
    • First Piercing: ears
    • First Thing You Did Today: woke up and showered
    • First Thing You Ate Today: a granola bar
    • First School: not counting my preschool luce kindergarten
    7 Lasts
    • Last Food Consumption: goldfish
    • Last Car Ride:home
    • Last Text Message: tommy
    • Last Movie Seen:jack and jill.. i lyk to watch the olddies hahahah
    • Last Item Bought: idontknow
    • Last Website You Were On: Witty Profiles .. on itnow.. obvi
    6 Have You Evers
    • Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: no.. wtheck
    • Have You Ever Broken the Law: not that im aware of
    • Have You Ever Been Arrested: nahh
    • Have You Ever Been on TV: yup!
    •Have Ever Walked Into A Sliding Glass Door: many times
    • Have You Ever Sat On The Roof:i believe so
    5 Places You've Been To
    • 1.florida
    • 2.Maine
    • 3.new hampshire
    • 4MExico
    • 5.bahamas
    4 Things
    • You're Wearing:clothes?
    • You Did Last Night: sleep
    • What Can You Hear Right Now: lindsey(:
    • You Can't Live Without: family, friends, and stuff liket htat
    3 People You Can Tell Anything To
    • 1.MY BFFS
    • 2.MEH MOM
    • 3.this kid.
    2 Choices
    • 1. black or white: white? what
    • 2. hot or cold: hot duh!
    1 Love
    • people!
    like lindsey!

  7. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2012 12:07pm UTC
    When you're deleting your inbox and it gets stuck at 69%, then you wonder; "Whos message it could be deleting..."(;

  8. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:47am UTC
    Part 1
    STEP ONE: Spell your name with songs
    N No hands
    I Invisible
    C Call me Maybe
    O OVer You
    L Little Moments
    E Eyes Open
    – Name: Nicole
    – Nickname: Nicky (ew) Pooley (ew)
    – Eye Color: brown/. yah
    – Hair Color:blondeee all da way
    -Shoes: flip-flops
    -Your fear: being forever alone
    -Your perfect pizza: Cheese please
    – Your best physical feature: none
    – Your bedtime: i havent slept.. and its tomorrow
    This Or That…
    – Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi
    – McDonald’s or Burger King: McDonalds
    – Cappuccino or Coffee:NEITHER! unless its a coffeee mocha collatta!

  9. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:36am UTC
    1. Pick your favorite color out of the following
    A. Red
    B. Orange
    C. Yellow
    D. Green
    E. Blue
    F. Purple
    2. Pick your favorite animal out of the following:
    A. Cat
    B. Dog
    C. Fish
    D. Snake
    E. Parrot
    F. Butterfly
    3. Pick your desired honeymoon spot:
    A. Hawaii
    B. New York
    C. East Africa
    D. Spain
    E. Montana
    4. Pick your favorite instrument:
    A. Violin
    B. Piano
    C. Electric Guitar
    D. Drums
    5. Pick your favorite soft drink:
    A. Dr. Pepper
    B. Sprite
    C. Coca Cola
    D. Pepsi
    E. Mountain Dew
    6. Name a person of the opposite gender,...
    7. Name a person of the same gender,...
    8. The time now,...
    9. Your age,...
    10. You don't have to write it down, but make a WISH!!!
    Question number ONE:
    A. Red -adventurous
    B. Orange - Fun
    C. Yellow - Sweet
    D. Green - Wacky
    E. Blue - Romantic
    F. Purple - Mysterious
    Question number TWO:
    A. Cat - Feminine
    B. Dog - Loving
    C. Fish - Boring
    D. Snake - Boyish
    E. Parrot - Annoying
    F. Mouse - Brainy
    Question number THREE:
    A. Hawaii - Romantic
    B. New York - Busy
    C. East Africa - Curious
    D. Spain - Mysterious
    E. Montana - Country Girl/Boy
    Question number FOUR:
    A. Violin - Intellectual
    B. Piano - Popular
    C. Electric Guitar - Wacky
    D. Drums - Wild
    Question number FIVE:
    A. Dr. Pepper - Popular
    B. Sprite - Wacky
    C. Coca Cola - Wild
    D. Pepsi - Fun
    E. Mountain Dew - Athletic
    Question number SIX:
    That person will have a crush on you after you repost this!
    Question number SEVEN:
    That person will become your enemy if you don't repost this!
    Question number EIGHT:
    How long you have to repost this!
    Question number NINE:
    How many months that you and the person in number 6 will go out if you repost this!
    Question number TEN:
    That will come true if you repost this in the amount of time you got on question number 8.

  10. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:31am UTC
    if you have 35+.. you're spoiled :3
    [] own car
    [x] cell phone
    [] own phone line
    [] bf/gf
    [] own bathroom
    [x] own room
    [x] 2 or more story house
    [] pool
    [x]guest house
    [] game room
    [x] tv in your room
    [x] Double (queen) Bed
    [x] more than 20 pairs of shoes
    [x] 10+ things from a designer store
    [x] good grades
    [] Dior sunglasses
    [] louis vuitton purse
    [X] iPod
    [] XBOX
    [] PS3
    [] mp3 player
    10 Total.
    [] Mercedes Benz
    [X] basketball hoop
    [] air hockey table
    [x] pool table
    [] ping pong table
    [x] trampoline
    [] live ON a lake or pond
    [x] own a pair of skiis
    [] own a snowboard
    [] has a boat
    [] has a jet ski
    [x] has a beach house/ cabin
    5 Total
    [] only child
    [x] stereo system in bedroom
    [x] DVD player in bedroom
    [] 100+ dvd's
    []gets $50+ for allowance each month
    [] goes shopping every month...or every week
    [x] shops at abercrombie
    [] goes snowboarding/ skiing every weekend
    [x] makeup
    [x] cologne/perfume
    [] AIM
    [] MSN
    [X] 5+ trophies
    [x]own digital camera
    []walk-in closet
    8 Total.
    [x] electric scooter
    [] dirt bike
    [] 4X4 truck
    [] four wheeler
    [] guitar/drums
    [] hammock
    [x] been on a cruise
    []x traveled out of the country
    [] weight set/ workout set in house
    [] personal fit trainer
    [x] expensive jewerly
    [x] met a celeb
    [x] straightener/ curling iron
    [x] gets hair done/nails/spas
    [x] on/was on a Varsity team for the school
    [] own batting cage
    [x] 100+ in wallet/ purse right now
    [x] own savings account
    [x]1+ BEST friends
    [x] been to the carribean
    [] been to europe.
    [] been to hawaii
    [x] been to NY
    13 Total.
    [] shopped in seattle
    [] eaten at the space needle in seattle
    [] been on the eiffel tower in paris
    [] been on the statue of liberty in NY
    [X] been on the honor roll for 2+ years
    [] went on a trip for sweet sixteen birthday
    [] lives on a private property
    [] license
    [] moved 3+ times
    [x] sports car
    [] hot tub
    [X] pet(s)
    [] ranch
    [] verizon
    [] cingular
    [] virgin mobile / other
    [x] At&t
    [X] been to 5+ states in the US.
    5 Total.
    [] 100+ buddies on messenger
    [x] alarm clock
    [x] home-cooked meal almost everyday
    [] eat-out almost everyday
    [x] been in a limo
    [] own camcorder
    [x] own laptop
    [x] own desktop
    5 Total.
    46 Overall Total
    You spoiled?
    [x ] yes
    [] no

  11. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:23am UTC
    1. Name: Nicole
    2. Age: 13
    3. Height: 5ft 1 in
    4. Date of Birth: November 15
    5. Eye Color: Brown
    6. Religion:Christian
    7. Sexuality:i lyk boys. .
    8. Hair Color: blonde
    9. Eye Color: Brown
    10. Weight: not tellin you . .gosh
    11. Skin Tone: a little tan not much tho
    12. Piercings/Tattoos: ears
    13. Jewelry: earrings, wearing a necklace and bracelets
    14. Build: short...
    15. Funny or Serious?: Funnny, but serious in school
    16. Hard working or lazy?: mostly hardworking but sometimes laid back
    17. Flirty or reserved?: i think reserved
    18. What is the first thing people notice about your personality?: how the heck would i know, ask them
    19. Are you more caring or sympathetic?: both probs
    20.Are you sporty,artistic,bookworm or sciency?: more sporty
    Have You Ever
    21. Slapped someone in the face?: NO! tht would hurt someone
    22. Lost touch with a good friend?: kinda
    23. Kissed someone for a dare?: nope, no kisses for me):
    24. Drank alcohol?: heck no gross
    25. Broke a bone?: no
    27. Ate a whole pizza to yourself?: no
    28. Stepped on a bug?: yes
    29. Rode a horse?: yes
    30. Been seen naked by someone not your doctor or family member? ? NEVER WTF
    How Many
    31. TVs are in your house?: 5
    32. Scars you have?: alot lol i fall alot
    33. Chairs are in the room you are in now?: 1 and my bed!
    34. Best friends do you have?: many!
    35. PCs or laptops are in your house?: i have a mac and we have 4 pcs
    36. Summer or Winter?: SUMMAH
    37. Strawberry or Banana?: strawberry
    38. Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift?: T-swizzle
    39. Eminem or Kanye West?: Kanye
    40. Vegetables or Fruits?: fruit
    41. Books or Movies?: movies
    42. Hugs or Kisses?: depends on who it is(:
    43. Rock or Pop?: pop
    Name The Last Person That...
    44. Hugged you?: Darria(:
    45. Kissed you?: never been kissed except my mom&dad... awk
    46. Thanked you?: DArria adn alaina
    47. Flirted with you?: idk.. im ugly
    48. Insulted you?: my brother!
    49. Made you laugh?: darria and alaina
    50. Made you cry?: tommy
    51. Ate?: brownie
    52. Drank?: gatorade
    53. Talked to?: in pesron darria&alaina txt: tommy
    54. Word Spoke most?: yayaayayayya!!! or lol
    55. Time cried?: today...
    57. Best friend?: Juliann(:
    58. Crush?: idontremember
    59. Boyfriend?: pat for like 2 months...
    60. Dog?: Ojo
    61. Kiss?: never been kissed ok.. stop now.
    62. Took steps?: who knows.. not me
    63. Do you own any brand shirts?: yes
    65. Do you like to sing?: YEAH
    66. Are you competive?:very..
    67. What are you afraid of?: being alone, spiders, stuff
    68. Who do you miss?: Malia, and tommy and my friends from school cuz its summah
    69. Are you a virgin?: Yeessss
    70. Do you like photography?: sure i guess!

  12. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:11am UTC
    1-11 (NO CHEATING)
    a) Dark
    (b) Light
    a) Go to a party
    (b) Go out to eat
    a) Baby-Pink
    b) Yellow
    c) Baby-Blue
    d) Turquoise
    a) Talking
    b) Dancing
    c) Taking Long Walks
    a) Louie Vuitton
    b) coach
    c) againt all odds?
    OUT OF
    a) hawaii
    b) London
    c) florida
    a) The Beach
    b) Somewhere Cooler
    a) January
    b) February
    c) March
    d) April
    e) May
    f) June
    g) July
    h) August
    i) September
    j) October
    k) November
    l) December
    a) Chill at home
    b) Go out with friends
    OUT OF:
    a) Guitar
    b) Bass guitar
    c) Drums
    d) The Triangle
    ====NOW MAKE A WISH!====
    **ANSWERS** > > > >
    a. dark= sexy [5points]
    b. light = sweet [2 points]
    a. go to a party = playful [2 points]
    b. go out to eat = romantic [5 points]
    a. baby-pink = cute [2]
    b. yellow = loud [3]
    c. baby-blue = cool [5]
    d. turquoise = sexy [5]
    a. Talking = active [2]
    b. Dancing = determined [2]
    c. Taking Long Walks = daring [5]
    a. Louie Vuitton = tasteful [7]
    b. coach = laid back [2]
    c. againt all odds = stylish [5]
    a. hawaii = you like being around
    people [2]
    b. L.. You are quiet, and like the
    cold [2]
    c. florida = You like to party! [5]
    a. beach = tan, likes the sun [5]
    b. somewhere cooler = pale and original [2]
    a. January = popular [5]
    b. February = lovely [2]
    c. March = rebellious [5]
    d. April = playful [5]
    e. May = happy [5]
    f.. june = chills a lot [5]
    g. July = smooth [3]
    h. August = fun [5]
    i. September = quiet [2]
    j. October = out-going [3]
    k. November = pimpin' it [5]
    l.. December = warm [3]
    a. home = quiet, romantic [5]
    b. go out with friends =crazy [5]
    a. guitar = eye-catching [5]
    b. bass-guitar = mellow [2]
    c. Drums = crazy [5]
    d. Triangle = simple [2]
    11. This person will fall in LOVE with you!
    UP TO 17= You can do better than that!
    18-20= Okay...
    21-35 = Rather HOT...!
    36+ = OWWW, YOU BURN!!!
    REPOST AS: HOT TEST & then write your score at the bottom.
    If you don't repost this you will have the following:
    ~ You will fail your tests
    ~ You will cut your finger
    ~ You will lose someone close to you
    ~ You will not have a good day for the next 12 years
    --And if you do repost this you will:
    ~ be kissed by your crush before next month
    ~ have good luck
    ~ have someone fall in love with you
    ~ have your biggest dream come true
    My Score: 32 Points - rather hot!!! hahah i dont think so!

  13. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2012 12:06am UTC
    Time started: 11;50pm
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: november 15
    Siblings: 1 little bro
    Eye color: brown...
    Shoe size: 4-5
    Height: 5'1
    What are you wearing: pjsss
    Where do you live: Massachusetts baby
    Righty or lefty: righty (except for in gymnastics)
    Can you make a dollar in change right now: I don't know probs
    Who are your closest friends: Darria, alaina, juliann, lindsey, and many more
    Best place for a date? anywhere that they can be together
    Where is your fav place to shop: forver 21
    Favorite kind of plant? . .. . .flower
    Fave Color? pinkkk
    Fave Number: 13 tswiiftt
    Fave Boys Name: Tommy
    Fave Girls Name: Jessica
    Fave Sport: gymnastics, cheer, volleyball, field hockey
    Fave Month: SUMMAHH
    Movies: dont watch a ton of them but i guess MEan Girls
    Juice: cranberry apple its actuslly sooo good
    Icecream: mint or regular choc chip
    Breakfast food: dont really eat it.. but cereal
    Favorite cartoon character: spongebob . . duuhh
    Given anyone a bath: nnoooooooo
    Smoked: Nope nevaahh gross ew
    Made yourself throw-up: maybe.. .
    Gone skinny dipping: nnnoope
    Eaten a dog: wtf no
    Put your tongue on a frozen pole? yep
    Loved someone so much it made you cry- yea
    Broken a bone? noppeee
    Played truth or dare: who hasn't obvioulsy
    Been in a physical fight: nahh not that tough
    Been in a police car: nooo
    Been on a plane: yep many times
    Come close to dying: i guess soo lol
    Been in a sauna: nope
    Been in a hot tub: yep
    Cried when someone died all the time: i cried but not like all the time of everyday
    Cried in school: yessssss unfortunately
    Fell off your chair: lol yeah a tonn
    Wait for someone's phone call all night: ya.... never came
    Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yah
    Saved e-mails: nah
    Fallen for one of your best guy friends: no
    Made out with JUST a friend?: no
    Used someone: no
    Whats your good luck charm:braceltes & necklaces from bfs and my little bro
    Best song you ever heard: i lyk many songs
    What's your bedroom like: zebra purple pics everywhere yahknow
    Last thing you said: byee!!!!!!!!!! to my bff
    What is beside you: meh phone
    Last thing you ate: brownie
    What kind of shampoo do you use? idkk i would have to go check
    Worst thing that has happened to you this year: got dumped by my 1 1/2 year bf </3
    Chicken Pox: nope
    Sore Throat: yeah soo many times
    Stitches: yep in meh mouth.. grooss
    Broken nose: nope
    Do You Believe in love at first sight: yep
    Like school: ehhh sometimes
    What schools have you gone to: pre school, elementary, middle school, going into 8th grade last year of middle(:
    Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: LOL no
    If you were stuck on an island, what person would you want with you: my bffs, ex, or mom
    Who was the last person that called you: mom
    What makes you laugh the most? meh friends
    What makes you smile? my friends family and cute flirty texts
    Last Person you yelled at: no one.
    Told you that they love you: tommy.. then he dumped me
    Is your loudest friend: DARRIA(::::
    Do you like filling these out? surecuz im borreedd and wide awake at midnight!
    Do you wear contacts or glasses: neither but i wil probs cuz im always on da computer lol
    Do you like yourself: kinda i guess
    Do you get along with your famil: yes i do!
    Stolen anything over $50: NO
    What are you listening to right now?My Wish by Rascall Flatts
    What did you do yesterday: swam at my friends house
    Got any awards: Yes
    What car do you wish to have: JEEP
    Where do you want to get married: can cun or disney!
    If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: alot of things.. . .
    Good driver: no licence.
    Good Singer: def not, but i like to think i am
    Have a lava lamp: no):
    How many remote controls are in your house: idkkk
    Double jointed: how would i know
    What do you dream about:my ex and how much i miis him
    Last time you showered: this morning
    Last time you took a bath:i like showers better...
    Scary or happy movies: Scary
    Chocolate or white chocolate: CHOCOLATE
    Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: root beer
    Mud or Jell-O wrestling: what kind of question is this
    Vanilla or chocolate: choco
    Summer or winter: SUMMAH
    Silver or Gold: silver!
    Diamond or pearl: Diamond
    Sunset or Sunrise: both
    Sprite or 7up: sprite
    Cats or dogs: DOGGIES no cats.
    Coffee or tea: coffee mocha collatta!
    Phone or in person: depends on waht going on usually in person
    Indoor or outdoor?: both is good
    favorite band: dont have one
    favorite rapper: lil wayne yo
    favorite television show: IDIKIDKDIKDIDK
    favorite reality/contest show: hmm IDK
    End Time: 12;06 dang this took a while>. .. . .

  14. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 11:50pm UTC
    name 13 guys?
    1. Tommy K
    2. Dennis R
    3. Connor P
    4. Michael Y
    5. Eric O
    6. Matt C
    7. Elias P
    8. Joe M
    9. Jackson M
    10.Matas L
    11.Jerry H
    12.Eli E
    13.David N
    How did you and #12 meet?
    Have you ever seen #4 cry?
    heard him, not seen
    Would #11 and #2 make a good couple?
    umm. . no
    Are you really good friends with #13?
    Do you think #5 is cute?
    Something about #1...?
    my ex who is still love
    What's #7's favorite color?
    oh awkard.. um blue?
    What would you do if #6 confessed that they liked you?
    umm . no. no thanks.
    Fact about #8?
    good kid dated Kathryn D soo cute(:
    Would you ever live with #9?
    wasn't planning on it
    What's the worst thing about #10?
    he can be very concieded but is a good kid!!!!!!
    Who's going out with number 13?
    no one! just got rejected by someone):
    What do you think about #3?
    omg ehs soo funnay and nicee
    Who is your favorite guy on the list?
    1. tommy </3

  15. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2012 12:30pm UTC
    love is like a song.
    it starts off perfect
    with a loving chorus
    and beautiful rhymes and rythmns
    then finally
    it comes to an end.
    and some songs, make you cry.
    But those tears, are tears of care;
    and care stays with you; forever </3

  16. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 9:14pm UTC
    Everything i see makes me think of you
    Mint ice cream.. your favortie
    Baseball &hockey (both sports my brother plays) you play them
    music.. every song especially our favorites the motto and call me maybe
    my dog.. you got a dog
    cheerleading,.. your sisters on my team your cousins the coach
    gymnastics.. your cousin is a gymnast
    my godmothers birhtday.. your birthday too
    jewlry.. i loved all my necklaces you gave me
    chocolate.. you gave me chocolate
    school... you go to my school
    kids camp.. you'rdoing it too

  17. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 25, 2012 9:11pm UTC
    You said you loved me, that was a lie
    You said we would be together until be die
    But now im crying here alone
    Because u broke up with me by text through the phone

  18. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 10:50pm UTC
    Dear Boyfriend, Part 3 Final
    Tommy, okay so this is the last part i think im going to be ably to write because this is already to hard to write myself. Anyways here it comes i had not a care in the world. I was babysitting with my friend Emma. The kids were asleep adn it was about maybe 10:30 when i got a text from Tommy saying "Hey we need to talk" now of course no girl wants to hear those words from their bf, but i tried to not read into things adn just htink maybe he wants to hang or ahs something to tell me. My phone vibrates adn i literally had to use all my power to hold back the tears. Your message can be deleted form my phone but never from my heart. "Well we dont talk alot so i think we should break up" All i could reply with was oh ok. No one will understand my emotions and feelings at that moment. He then told me i was a babe and i was funny and nice and had the sweetest heart but we dont talk. He even sent me broken hearts </333 . I couldn't cry in front of emma and risk the parents coming home at any moment seeing me like this. So when i got home i cried myself t o sleep. I was texting tommy. I knwo he didnt want me to be upset or didnt mean to make me feel worthless adn not good enough, but i did. I cant control that because that is honestly how i felt, and how i will always feel about him. I wish i could go back in time and talk to him more, but i cant. I know hes going to move on quickly adn im sure evry girl is chasing after him right now. This is my first true love and now hes gone. Im not upset about being single or dumped, but the fact that i care so much about him and i valued his opinion, every word he said to me. He was my everything and now that he is gone i have nothing. I know deep down i will stilll always love tommy insode. Their will always be a little part of me that wishes we could be back together again. I texted him today adn explained to him something i never told anyone. THat i was nervous. Yes i never saw the brake up coming and i was shocked. But, the fact that i didnt talk to him as much is because he was my first love and i was afraid i was mess it up adn ruin everything. i told him i hope he understands where im coming from and that he deserved to know this, I hope him and i can still be friends. Maybe then we will start actually talking. Well im still crying day two. And i willcry for a while. For any of you who actually read this, sorry you had to hear my life story. But this needed to get off my chest because nothing i have tried is working, talking to people, crying, eating chocolate ice cream. Everything jsut reminds me of tommy. So Tommy is yousee this (which you probs wont cuz u dont have a witty) just know taht i will always love you adn i hope we can be firends
    Love, You ex girlfriend who cares more about you thn you will ever know, Nicole </3 : <3

  19. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 10:35pm UTC
    Dear Boyfriend Part two of our story
    Hey, its me afain continueing my story on all of our memories. Ill pick up from memorial day. I would see tommy at his baseball games (he even made the allstar team). I knew what team tommy would be on for summer leagure baseball because my dad is teh treasurer of baseball and did Tommy's age group's evaluations. My dad even told me what a good player Tommy was. That made me so happy because i had alteady known what a good player tommy was! He would cutely and sweetely make me feel special by telling me that he had seen me at his games. Then we would talk about things we both lied and didnt. We both hated our world music class but agreed that we liked that eachother were in the class together. He told me he didnt like the beach because of the sand and sharks hahha! and i would tell him all my crazy stories. I trusted tommy with everything and knew he was always there to listen to me. I told him about my family problems adn my crazy stories. He was always there to listen. Then Semi came along adn Tommy was there . We got to dance adn my heart soared. Bar Mitzvahs for our friends came along, we danced adn actually talked alittle there too. My life seemed so great at that point. Nothing could change it. Then school started to end. Treasure Island day came around adn Tommy's team won! I knew he would because of how amazing he is! I felt like nothing could tear me adn tommy apart. Not a girl not a boy not a rumor not a lie. I loved him more than anyone else even knew. Tommy's texts were so cute and sweet. He would always tell me what a terrible boyfriend he was and i would always tell him how he is special adn perfect to me. He told me he loved me and i believed him because i truly loved him back. School ended and he signed my year book writing the chorus to the song call me maybe, which made me laugh(: School ended and i hugged him as i left. We texted a couple times. until June 23 2012
    To be Continued.. . ..

  20. luvxoxo luvxoxo
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2012 10:24pm UTC
    Dear Boyfriend, Part one of my first true loves story
    Now you're my ex today. Thomas Edward Kilduff. I loved you. Here's some info about tommy. He has brown eyes and cute freckles. His hair, perf, curly brown flow. I just want to write this, no for likes, sympathy, comments, or anything, just simply for my own reasons to help get off some of my emotions. Also tommy liked to be called Tk. (: His favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip and he is an amazing athlete in every sport. he plays baseball and hockey, which he is fabulous at both. Heres OUR STORY: It all started on February 10th a thursday in 6th grade 2011. It was lunch time and my friend Julia brought me out into the hallway. She explained to me that tommy liked me and wanted to go out with me and go to the Valentines day with me. He texted me that day and we talked for a little bit. But we were never really texted all the time. We would text alot one week then basically never for a couple weeks. I truly loved him. In may, may 15th actually , it was my half birthday and tommy bought me the cutest neckalce . It had 5 chains and was held together by heart . Even though it broke a couple times we managed to fix it and it was my favorite thing. During the summer i will never forget the messsage when he said " Im gonna miss everyone but i will miss you the most" That message ment so much to me and i truly felt loved. August 20th was his brithday and it just so happens to be the same birhtday as my godmother tracy too! When school came back in 7 th grade tommy and i has science, music, 2 studies, adn gym class together. I was sooo happy. For my birthday he got me adn even more pretty necklae that i still have with me in my room in a safe spot. For Christmas i remeber making him a build-a-bear. (: When February 10th came it had been one year! <3 i was soo happy adn i really loved Tommy. I thought back to the first time eh said i love you to me in a text and i was so nervous adn happy that i through my phone aross my room and yelled(:. For Calentines Day he gave me chocolates and i gave him Reeses. When Juliann and i went to the cape for memorial day weekend I got calls from his friends telling me how much he loved me . I would never forget everything that he said to me.
    To be continued. . .


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