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Member Since: 8 Nov 2011 03:20pm

Last Seen: 27 Nov 2011 12:15am

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Status: working on chapter 6 so I'll probably be updating later tonight. :)

Okay. so here is where I post my original stories. I would like to remain anonymous for now but may be some time in the future I'll let you know who I am :) But for now, you can read my stories and I would appreciate constructive critism. Thanks! 
xoxo, and happy reading! :) 
  1. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2011 12:38pm UTC
    chapter 6
    . . .
    Their flight landed at 10:15 that morning. California time. It was fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. They quickly went to the bathroom and then headed to the baggage claim to retrieve their luggage.
    Madison arrived at her Californian home at 11:30AM and things were almost exactly the same as they left it. Huh, that’s weird, Madison thought to herself. Some things looked, out of place. Madison thought about it for a second and then resorted to the fact that other people had actually lived here. She walked into what used to be her bedroom with her luggage, and set everything on her bed. She began to hang everything up into her closet and and fold things to put in her drawers. The walls had still remained the light purple she last painted them and the white hard wood floor was still intact., and oddly enough, her furniture was exactly how she left it. She walked into her bathroom which still remained the same as well, and put her toiletries away. She missed having her own kitchen, but she’d get used to it. Just as she was putting the last of her things away, which took about a total of forty-five minute, her white iPhone buzzed in her VS sweatshirt. She read the newest message in her inbox.
    Grace: I’m here! ANDDD I have Liz!
    Maddy smiled to her self as she walked out her room to greet her friends. She arrived at the front and swung open the door. “Hey guys! I missed you both so much!” Maddy said as she stretched out her arms welcoming her friends in a hug. They both stepped inside, and hugged their friend back. Strangely though, her friends had looked the same as they did when she left them back in eighth grade.
    “We’ve missed you so much too.” Liz said and Grace nodded. They all went up to her room and talked like they used to. There were no awkward pauses ever. But why should there be, Madison thought, these are my best friends.
    At 1:45 that afternoon, Grace, Liz, and Madison piled into her purple Jaguar, which for some reason was here already. They drove to the mall, blasting music from Maddy’s iPhone and talking about everything and anything. The girls arrived at the mall at 2 o’clock sharp and went straight to the food court to wait for everybody. Groups of people came all at once, and they hugged and took pictures with each other on Maddy’s iPhone for a good half hour. They all started walking down the mall towards Starbuck’s, Madison in linked arms with her two friends Jessica and Katie.
    “I’m so glad your back,” Jessica told her friend as they entered Starbuck’s, “three weeks is such a long time without you.”
    Madison stopped dead in her tracks. “What do you mean three weeks.” Maddy paused and her friends were looking at her.
    “Yeah, you went to go visit your aunt in Connecticut, remember?” Katie told her.
    “Yeah, you’re right. Madison told her to avoid the awkward conversation that came next, “it just felt like it was three years. I can only handle so much time with them.” Madison continued. Her friends all laughed, but Madison was still confused. Had she told her friends that she was just visiting her aunt because she was knew for a fact that she was coming back or had her friends really felt like it was only three weeks? Whatever, Madison thought to herself. She was definitely not thinking about this now. Who cares what the right answer was, she was here now and her friends were fawning over her. She shook her head and bouncily walked over to her friends. They stayed at the mall for a little while longer and Jessica returned home by herself at 7 that night. But she just couldn’t get what Jessica said out of her head. She went to her bathroom to splash cold water on her face when she realized something. She looked exactly like her eighth grade self too.
    . . .
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  2. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 9, 2011 5:52pm UTC
    chapter 5
    . . .
    The morning was all a blur to Madison. She woke up too early, like 2AM early, and then her and her mother packed up both cars and moving vans. They hired the moving guys to take the vans and the cars to California. Madison had her three suitcases, her purse that held her iPhone, her backpack, and of course, her stuffed lamb. They had arrived at the Logan Airport in Massachusetts at promptly 5:30 that morning. Their flight didn’t take off for another hour so Madison and her mom grabbed a bite to eat at one of the airport’s restaurants and then headed to their gate. Since Madison checked her three suitcases in, she only had to take care of her backpack and purse. She sat on one of the chairs by their gate using her iPhone. She was texting Amber, Cerina, and Casey. She went on facebook, which she hasn’t used in forever because pretty much people in Connecticut only used twitter. She decided she’d set her facebook status and she who still remembered her after three years of disappearance. She clicked on the text box and began to type coming back to California today at 10:30 AM PST. She exited out of the facebook app and went to her photos. She had at least 5,000 photos starting from the very first day she got her phone. The first picture was of her and a group of six other girls with a big fountain in the background. Immediately, Madison knew it was taken on their class trip to Chicago. In the photo, it was Kelly, Alexis, Courtney, Sammi, Leesa, and Morgan. It was taken in the beginning of seventh grade. They all looked so young. She scrolled through more pictures of her friends through the rest of seventh and eighth grade. At the end of eighth grade was when she moved away to Connecticut. She kept in touch with all of her friends, girls and guys, for a year and a half, but then both sides began to stop. She scrolled through the pictures of her and Amber and Cerina and Casey. She reached the end, the most recent photo was the one they took yesterday when they met for frozen yogurt. They all smiled for the picture, but you could tell they were all dying on the inside. After looking through all the photos she snapped a photo of her now, in her sweats at the airport. Another big day in her life that she’d never forget. Just then, her flight’s number had been called to begin boarding. Since they were flying first class, they boarded first. As soon as they got onto the plane, Madison slid into the window seat and took her iPhone out again. She saw that fifteen people liked her facebook status and then the majority of her friends commented saying something like omg! For real!? Or yay! I’ve missed you so much ! and some guys commented saying really ? do you remember me or did you find some Connecticut guy to replace me? Madison smiled to herself. Maybe her mother was right, her friend’s were jumping up and down to see her. Madison clicked on the comment box and quickly typed yes ! forreal! How about we all meet at the mall and catch up ? text me (: Madison hoped that she wasn’t getting too far ahead of herself, but who could blame her? She hasn’t seen these people in over three years. Well, except for the few skype chats she had with a few people, but it just wasn’t the same. Soon enough, she got an overwhelming amount of replies from all her old friends saying they would love to meet at the mall later. They decided on going to the mal had 2PM so Maddy had enough time to relax and go home and them get ready. Grace and Liz were going to come over her house as soon as she got home because they just couldn’t wait to see her. Except now, Madison had to turn her phone off because the plane was getting ready for take off. She shut the phone off and slipped it into the side pocket of her purse. She pulled her feet up to the chair and rested her head on the window. But something still didn’t make sense. Her mom had been getting along great with Jack before the slap, and she never seen her mother get this upset over something so stupid? So why had they picked up so soon? She thought of all the possibilities on why things were going like this, but nothing came.
    . . .
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  3. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 8:52pm UTC
    chapter 4
    . . .
    When Madison arrived home that night she found her mom sitting on her bed hugging Maddy’s favorite stuffed lamb that her mother got her before Maddy was born. Madison loved that thing half to death and always kept it on her bed. She brought it with her everywhere. Okay, so now everywhere but most places. “Mom, what’s going on? Why the sudden urge to move back to California?” Madison asked her mom when she came in through the sliding glass door.
    “Jack and I had a fight.” Her mom paused, “for good this time.”
    “About what? And why is it ‘for good this time’?” Madison asked her mother. They had had fights before, but what made this one so different? Sure, Jack wasn’t her favorite person in the world but he made her mother happy. That’s all that mattered, right?
    “Why are suddenly all depressed about leaving? I thought you’d be excited that we were going back. You’re not having second thoughts, are you?” Her mother asked obviously avoiding Madison’s questions.
    “Of course not! I’m more than thrilled to see my old friends, home, and school. But mom, what did you and Jack fight about? I know it had something to do with me, but what?” Madison said impatiently. She wanted answers.
    Her mom stayed silent. Finally, her mother looked up at her daughter. “Honey,” her mother began, her voice shaky, “why didn’t you tell me Jack slapped you?”
    “Well, actually, he backhanded m --- “ Her mother’s eyes bulged, “mom, I didn’t tell you because, Jack makes, er, made you so happy. I didn’t want to disappoint you or make it seem like I was purposely trying to sabotage your relationship to get us to leave.” Madison finally spilled.
    “Oh honey!” Her mother exclaimed and pulled her into a hug. She pet her daughter’s hair softly and then kissed the top of her head. “Finish packing, sweetie. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day. “ Her mother got up and disappeared up the stairs. Before she finished packing she quickly opened up her laptop to twitter. She was just about to tweet so I guess moving is for real . . . when she noticed the most recent tweet. One of the quote accounts had tweeted, “you never know what you have . . . until it’s gone.” Ain’t that the truth, Madison thought to herself. She closed her laptop to finish packing.
    Madison was still packing until 9:30 that night. She packed up her whole closet, bathroom, kitchen, and most of her bedroom. All that there was left was the bed that came with her room, her lamb (which she was taking on the lane), the nightstand that was staying as well, her iPhone charger that she would put into her purse in the morning,and her outfit for tomorrow. Her carry-ons were all packed, a small backpack and her purse, and were set on the floor. She grabbed one of Jack’s blankets from the closet and threw it on the bed. She was going to miss this place oddly enough, but this is what needed to be done. She laid in bed and pulled the blanket close. Goodbye room, she whispered before finally falling asleep.
    . . .
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  4. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 6:54pm UTC
    chapter 3 (continued)
    After Madison texted the others like she told Amber, she grabbed her purse and got into her car. She drove five minutes until she reached the parking lot. She parked her car three spaces to the front and got out. As soon as she walked in, Amber and Casey were already there, waiting for Cerina. When she saw them, they stood from their chairs to give their friend a hug. Once, they released they sat all sat down at the circular table. “Wait, so you’re really moving?” Casey said breaking the silence, “since when? And why?”
    “Since, like a half hour ago. “ Madison said looking up at her friends, “and why? I have no idea. My mom came downstairs, crying, and told me to pack my things.” Madison slumped in her seat cupping her frozen yogurt with both hands.
    “Wait, so your mom was crying too? Why?” Amber said concerned.
    “I have no idea. She said that she would tell me later but I’m not sure if she will. All I know is that her and Jack were fighting about something.” Madison told her friends sitting back up, “about me.” She added softly.
    “How do you know it was about you.” Casey asked.
    “Because I heard them shout my name more than a few times.” Amber put her left hand on her head. “Guys, I’m not going to lie, I am happy that I’m moving back and all but I don’t want to leave you guys.” Amber admitted as she took her hand off her head and took a bite of her frozen yogurt.
    “I get it,” Amber told her putting her hand on her friend’s, “I mean, you’ve been talking about how much you miss California and how much you want to move back ever since you met me. It’s your first home.”
    “Only home.” Madison corrected her. At this point, Cerina had finally arrived and Madison was finally feeling better about the move, thanks to Amber. They all sat for another half hour talking about how much they were going to miss each other and reminiscing about all the fun times they had between them.
    By 6:00 that evening, they were saying their final goodbyes.
    “Are you sure you don’t want us to come over and help you finish packing.” Cerina asked her as they headed to their cars.
    “Yeah I’m sure. It’ll be too hard to say goodbye after. And I want to make sure my mom is doing okay.” She smiled to her friends, “we’ll keep in touch though, right?”
    “Definitely,” the three said in unison. They all got into their cars and drove off in directions back to their houses. Tears fell from Madison’s eyes as she drove back. She had amazing friends, so why did it take her this long to realize it?
    . . .
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  5. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 6:52pm UTC
    chapter 3
    . . .
    When Madison checked her phone it was 4:00PM. Luke and Jamie had just gotten home and Jack would probably be getting home at 5:30 that night. His usual time. Madison got off her bed and walked to her fridge and grabbed a water bottle. When she shut the fridge door she heard fighting coming from upstairs. She crept up a couple steps quietly and tried to her listen. One of the voices she recognized as her mother’s and the other was definitely Jack’s. She wasn’t sure what exactly they were fighting about but she heard her name come up at least three times. When she heard footsteps coming towards the basement door, Madison bolted back to her bed. Her mother appeared around the corner and was walking down the last two steps. “Pack your things. We’re leaving tomorrow.” Her mother said and made her way to her daughter’s bathroom.
    “Mom, what happened?” Madison said. She was happy that they were moving back and all, but she hated to see her mom upset.
    “Just pack your things. We’ll talk about it later.” Heather said, closing the bathroom door. Madison turned back and walked back to her bead. She opened up her Dell laptop and clicked on the twitter tab. She clicked the cursor in to the status box and typed: Moving tomorrow. Not sure if I should be happy or sad “/ . She grabbed her big suitcase and packed all of her clothes in that. She took her smaller suitcase and packed all of her shoes in that. When her mom got out of the bathroom, she would pack her toiletries in her smallest suitcase. She got up from the floor and knocked on her bathroom door, “Mom, is it okay if I leave so I can say goodbye to my friend’s before we leave.” Madison asked her mom all at once.
    “Yeah, go ahead,” her mother sniffed.
    Madison heard her iPhone buzzing on her bed from across the room. She walked over to her bed and picked it up to see she had a new text message from Amber. She slid her finger across the bottom of her phone to read the message.
    Amber: wait, you’re moving!?
    Even though she was waiting for the day to finally get her old life back, she was going to miss the friends that she made here. Especially Amber. She was always there for her when things got tough and she reciprocated. She thought of all the things that she was going to miss. The four seasons that you most definitely did not get in California. She’d miss being so close to everyone and everything. She’d miss the trips she took with her mother sometimes to New York City. She’d even miss her basement room. She’d lived in it for three years it was like a part of her now. She’d even miss school. The way the desks sat in groups, the smallness, her locker. She was going to regret not speaking to Josh, her crush since she moved here, when she had the chance. But maybe this was for the better. She quickly snapped back to reality and texted Amber back, let’s meet for froyo on Main Street. I’ll text Cerina and Casey.
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  6. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 6:11pm UTC
    chapter 2
    . . .
    Madison arrived home from school at 2:33PM. For the first time in awhile she walked into the front door when she normally went straight into her bedroom from the outside. She only did this because she saw her mother’s car parked in the driveway and she wanted to let her know she was home.
    “Hi mom,” Madison called to her mom when she stepped into the house.
    “Hi Maddy,” her mother called. Besides her friends, her mother was the only other person who ever called her Maddy, “I’m in the kitchen.” Madison walked to the kitchen, her bag still on her shoulder and purse on her arm, to greet her mother.
    “You’re home early.” Madison said to her mother.
    “Yeah, I got a half day,” her mother explained while she cut a red pepper. “Sit,” her mom pointed to one of the bar stools that sat around the island, the opposite side her mother was standing on.
    “Okay,” Madison dropped her bags to the floor and sat down on one of the seats, “what’s up?”
    “Nothing,” her mom passed her a plate of cut red peppers and Madison put one in her mouth and began to chew. “How have you been? I feel like we haven’t talked as much since the move.” Her mother admitted.
    “Well, you’re either working or spending all your fee time with Jack.” Madison answered when her mouth wasn’t full.
    “I think we need to change that. We need to talk more.” Her mother said. “Remember when we were still living back in California and we prepared dinners together.”
    “Yeah, I miss that.” Madison admitted, “and it’s not the only thing I miss.”
    “I know the move has been hard on you, but thanks for trying.”
    “But I’m not trying,” Madison told her mother, “I do my chores when I’m sure no one’s around and then I lock myself in the room for the rest of the night. I don’t even eat up here. I have everything down there, my room, bathroom, and even my own kitchen. I always come and exit through the door leading to my room and I drive my own car.” Madison quickly finished.
    “But you haven’t run away yet. Which means you still have hope that may be someday I’ll turn around and pick up and move.” Her mother smiled at her.
    She smiled back, “but even if we do move back it’s not like things will be the same. We won’t have the house that I grew up on and it’s been three years, I can’t guaruntee that I will have the same friends.”
    “That’s not entirely true. I rented out the house for the time being just incase things didn’t work. It still is being rented out. And I’m sure you’re best friends will be jumping up and down when they hear you’re back.”
    Madison nearly choked when she heard her mom say this. “You … what!?” Madison said stunned, “why would keep renting out the house, it’s been three years.”
    “Just in case something happens.. And it’s extra income coming in.” Her mother admitted.
    Madison smiled to herself. So maybe there still was a chance of moving back and getting out of this hellhole afterwards. She had finished her red peppers and had gotten up from her chair, “well I got to go do homework.” She put her plate in the sink and hugged her mother.
    “Okay have fun.” Her mother called when Madison was heading downstairs. Madison glanced back at her mother giving her a yeah, right look. When she got down to her room, she climbed onto her bed and got her homework out. She was thrilled that there still might be a chance.
    . . .
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  7. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 4:20pm UTC
    chapter 1 (continued)
    . . .
    Madison woke up that Monday morning at 5:30 to get ready for school. She put on her ripped skinny jeans, black PINK sweatshirt with gold sequin details, her short chestnut Ugg Boots and straightened her blond hair. Once she put her makeup on she grabbed her Northface backpack and purse and walked out the sliding glass door leading to the backyard. She walked to the right side of the house and climbed into her dark plum Jaguar that she made her mother get her for moving. Madison drove to Starbuck’s to meet her friends, Amber, Cerina, and Casey, their usual meeting spot before school. “Hey guys,” Madison said to her friends and set her bags down at the table her friends were seated at. She pulled a five dollar bill out of her wallet and ordered herself a Venti Passion Tea Lemonade.
    “How are things at home?” Amber asked Madison when she sat down.
    “Sucky,” Madison responded and then took a sip of her drink, “ they all get mad so easily it’s not even funny.”
    “That does suck,” Cerina told her, “you’re welcome to stay over my place if things end up getting really bad.”
    “Thanks,” Madison told her. It was a nice gesture and Madison knew she was lucky to have friends that cared.
    The girls finished their drinks and then got into their own cars and drove to their school. They were about ten minutes away. They all arrived at the school at 7 o’clock which gave them enough time to go to their lockers and talk before homeroom.
    . . .
    Authors Note: Should I finish? Leave title suggestions in the comments as well as constructive feedback in below, please and thank you.
    ♥nmf ""

  8. itstorytime523 itstorytime523
    posted a quote
    November 8, 2011 3:56pm UTC
    click to see this quote


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