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Member Since: 18 Jul 2004 04:07pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 11546

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hmm.. my name is alexis but everyone call's me lexx.. i live in the ville* in PA... ummm i go 2 school at LTHS im a sophomore this year... im 5'3", dirty blonde hair, baby blue eyes... play softball.. and run and throw in track & field.. thats bout all =)
  1. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:31am UTC
    -- oNe LiiFe _ LiVe iT uP = )
    oNe ChAnCe _ d0n'T giVe uP
    oNe LoVe _ DoNt MeSs iT uP

  2. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:31am UTC
    i used to think i loved you
    but now i know for sure
    i will give you everything
    adn you still can ask for more
    but one thing you will never have to look for...
    is me..
    because i will always be yours
    i know what makes my heart happy
    and in my hear you it exactly
    H o w y o u c h a n g e d my w o r l d you'll n e v e r k n o w
    I ' m d i f f e r e n t n o w y o u h e l p e d m e g r o w
    StOp LoViN yOu? iT jUs CaNt bE dOnE
    wHeN iT cOmEs DoWn tO wHO i LoVe
    bAbY.. u'Ll ALwAyS bE tHe OnLy OnE
    until i met you i n e v e r knew what it
    was like to look at someone and s m i l e
    F o R n 0 r E a S o N a T a Ll
    I don't know how you do what you do.
    I'm so in love with you. It just keeps gettin better.
    I want to spend the rest of my life, with you by my side, forever and ever.
    Every little thing that you do, Baby, i'm amazed by you....
    ThErEz SuMtHiN BoUt HiM nO 1 eLsE CaN C*iT MaKeZ Me Go cRaZy wHeN He LooKz aT Me*nO 1 KnOz WhY i FeeL ThA WaY ThAt i dO*BaBii iTz bEcAuSe i Really aM iN LoVe wiT U

  3. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:30am UTC
    gorgeous blue eyes short brown
    - hair when you see this shortie
    * .you cant help but s t a r e!! -

  4. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:30am UTC
    - wHeN i GoTtA sMiLe 0n My FaCe. ;; AnD a
    sPaRkLe iN mYy EyE.. tHaTs wHeN y0u Kn0w
    - iM gUnNa.. * ..bReAk d0wN aNd cRy... =)
    yA`yUuR s0 fLy`- wAnNa taKe
    mE FoR a LiTtLe RiDdDeEe!? =)
    `i wisH i c0uLd eXpLaiN wHaT i SeE iN y0uR eyEs...
    h0w tHe s0uNd oF y0uR v0iCe givEs me ButTeRfLiEs
    h0w y0uR sMiLe.. maKes maH hEaRt sKiP a BeAt...
    y0uR tHe 0nLy 0nE wh0 maKes maH LiFe c0mpLeTe!!!
    i NeVeR wAnNa sTaRt fRoM tHe BeGinNinG
    BeCaUsE. iLL nEvEr Kn0w wHeRe tHe EnD is
    i mAy n0t gEt t0 sEe y0u aS oFteN aS iD LiKe
    i mAy n0t gEt t0 HoLd y0u ThRougH tHe niGht
    BuT deEp iNsiDe my HeaRt i Kn0w iT iS tRuE.
    n0 mAtTeR wHaT i d0... i'LL aLwaYz LoVe y0u
    [-] * LoVe iS a WoRd, cReAtEd FoR tw0
    LoVe iS a SeNsAti0n, FeeLiNgs s0 tRuE
    But LoVe iSn'T LoVe iF iM n0t wiTh y0u
    - iF u'Re sWeEt aNd SiNceRe iLL caLL y0u my DeaR.
    iF u'Re KiNd aNd FunNy... i'LL caLL y0u my HunNy
    iF u'Re CaRiNg aNd sMaRt y0u can b my SwEeThEaRt
    [-] .·. iF u'Re aLL tHe aBoVe y0u'Re my tRuE LoVe!!
    » tHeReS a sPaRkLe iN y0uR eYe ; tHaT 0nLy i CaN sEe
    tHeReS a pLaCe iN y0uR hEaRt ; wHeRe i wAnNa Be.

  5. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:30am UTC
    `*- stressin and obsession aint myy style...
    all i need is a guy who can make me smile ´
    `d0nT BeLiEvE tHa gUy wh0 sAyz He LoVez y0u.
    BeLiEvE tHa gUy wh0 sHoWs y0u tHaT hE d0es ´
    -» * today i woke up all alone ; wishin you were
    here with me.. - i want us to be something.. that
    i know we'll probably never actually ever be
    `* eVeR w0nDeR wHy i TuRn aWaYy wHeN y0u
    ´ - Lo0k aT mE ?? ;; iTz BeCaUsE i NeVeR wAnT
    - y0uR eyEs t0 sEe WhaT y0u d0 t0 mE. * SeEm
    t0 sEe tHa tHiNgz i SeE º BeCaUsE i Kn0w h0w
    PeRfEcT mE aNd y0u - c0uLd ReaLLy bE. =) ´
    its one of those crazii thingz
    no matter how hard you try ´
    - ..you cant put into wordz.. -
    * º what you feel inside. =) *
    * y0u caNt jUuSt giVe mE a HuG aNd TeLL mE
    eVeRytHiNg iS g0iNg t0 bE 0kaYy BeCaUsE. -
    RigHt n0w... iT jUuSt d0Esn't FeeL tHaT wAy..
    shes soo much more in your eyez..
    - than i ever thought she could be.
    `and every time this happenz... - i
    wonder whats wrong with me? *

  6. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:29am UTC
    cockee? yea we might be bt datz cuz we dont now how to say f**k you politelee
    im hard to get.. im hard to please.. but most of all.. im just a tease
    hOz envii me kuz ii qOt dat iill m ii l k s h a k e ,
    beastiin kuz deii man alwaiiz triina cOp a taste
    dont hate me cuz im amazin
    hate me cuz ya man still dazin

  7. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:28am UTC
    -» baybiie - i wish i could tell you
    - but the words would come out wrong
    oh if you only knew. . - the way i felt
    for so long - i know that we're worlds
    apart - but i just dont seem to care . .
    these feelings in my heart º only with
    =) y o u i w a n t t o s h a r e . . .
    i wAnNa bE tHe ReAs0n FoR tHe sMiLe 0n y0uR fAcE
    º tHe gUuRrL tHaT aiNt gUnNa eVeR bE rEpLaCeD.
    sometimes i think i should move on and stop trying
    but my heart just stops when i see you smiling ..
    -» ´ . . . 0n VaLeNtiNeS dAy i d0nT wAnT t0 bE aLoNe
    aLL i wAnT iS FoR y0u t0 hoLd mE aNd caLL mE y0uR 0wN
    i can say so many things to you but i dont know
    where to start - all you really need to know is ...
    º i . l o v e . y o u . w i t h . a l l . m y . h e a r t

  8. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:27am UTC
    -->> neveR giVe up iF y0u stiLL wAnNa tRy ..
    neveR wiPe y0uR tEaRs iF y0u stiLL wAnna cRy*
    neveR settLe f0r an answeR iF y0u stiLL wAnna kn0w
    neveR sAy y0u d0nt LovE him iF y0u cAnt Let Him g0-
    - maH b0i is a b0i wh0 i cAn g0 t0 wit my haiR a mEss.
    maKe up RunNin d0wn my FacE n eyes Red fRom cRyin
    n hE wiLL stiLL bE teLLin mE BaBe y0uR bEaUtiFuL. =)
    -LoVe iSnT aBoUt hUgS n KisSes.
    tHe "i L0ve yOu" n "i MiSs yOu"
    iTs JuSt aB0uT tHe bUtTeRfLieS
    y0u gEt fRom jUst tHinkiN of him.
    *0nE dAy y0u'LL aSk mEe wHat's
    - m0oRe iMp0rTaNt - y0u 0r mYy,
    LiFfE - iD sAy mYy LiFe bUt tHen
    y0u'D waLk aWaY n0t kn0winG . .
    tHat y0u aRe mYy LiiiFfEe..!! =)
    * wHen i LooK aT You i GeT BuTTeRFLies insiDe
    - BoY i JusT can'T HeLP wHaT i FeeL i n s i D e.
    - im n0t tHa kind oF gurL thats up foR cRying . ..
    s0 im gUnna teLL y0u tHa tRuth and i aint Lying.
    i Love y0u BayyBie with0ut dEnyiNg - bUt...
    tHeRe's n0o cHance oF mE and y0u * s0 wHat's
    -->> ´ .t H e p 0 i n t o F e V e N t R y i N g. . ?
    - i've done what i needed to do
    so whatever happens to us
    guess i will leave it up to you. .
    for valentinez day i dont want giftz and wishez
    - * all i want is your huggz and kissez . . =)
    `dont settle for the one you can live with...
    , wait for the one you cant live without!!
    - i cant begin to explain how your smile
    makes everything else disappear =) -
    i give my smile to many - emotions to few
    but my heart.. nah baby thats just for you
    - - » i will hand you 12 roses. . .
    11 real and 1 fake... i will love you
    until the last rose will fall dead
    `the truth is everyone is going to hurt you.....
    you just have to decide who is worth the pain

  9. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:27am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:26am UTC
    i sAy wHaTs 0n My MiNd - i d0nT cArE iF i aFfEnD y0u!... =)
    & iF i rEaLLy d0nT LiKe y0u - tRuSt mEe i w0nT pReTeNd t0
    tHeLma and LouisE sticK t0getheR ; Lucy and EtheL aLways and FoReveR
    wiLma and BeTty shaRed a heaRt ; LaveRn and shirLey - neveR apaRt. =c)
    with0ut a d0uBt its y0u aNd mE .. fRienDs foReVeR we`LL aLwAys Be -;-
    pUt Up WiT mAh wOrSt MoOdZ
    aLwYz LiStnN tA hOw i FeeL
    gO aLoNg wiT dA KrAziEzT iDeAz
    MaD LuV - Fa BeiN rEaL
    Sumtimes i wOnda where i wOod b
    if i never met mah gurls n they never met me
    whO wOod i laff n cry wit until tha end
    ...where wOod i b w/O my best friendz..
    aLl U cHiCkEnHeAdZ tHiNk U kNo dA dEaL
    bU itZ mE nD mAh GrLz wh0 b KeEpIn It ReAl
    u ThInK u ThE bOmB..u ThInK uZ dA sHyT
    BaByDoLl ThInK tWiCe CuZ cOmPArEd To US..u AiNt sHyT!
    . . . 2 bEsT fRiEnDz - BaSiCaLLy uNsToPpAbLe
    TeAr Us ApArT ? nAwH - MiSsi0n ImPoSsibLe

  11. diip_it_low_x0x diip_it_low_x0x
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2004 8:22am UTC
    tHeRes s0metHing aBoUt tHe Lo0k iN y0uR EyEs.. =)
    .s0metHing i n0ticed wHen tHe Liight wAs just Right
    `it ReminDed mE t w i i c e that ii wAs a L i v e ,
    nd' it ReminDed mE that y0u'Re s0 woRth tHe fiigHt
    iF Kis$es weRe staRs* iDe giVe y0u tHe sKy..
    iF L o V e weRe teaRs - ide a L w a y s cRy
    iF my heaRt weRe wateR ide give y0u the sEa
    . . . aLwAys aNd f0reveR BaBy... [[y0u & mE]]
    y0u cAn bE toLd that y0uR bEautiFuL eveRyday
    n' peopLe sAy y0uR peRfect in eveRy wAyy =c)
    but y0u d0nt beLieve it -- n0t foR 0ne minutE...
    b.c tHe 0ne peRs0n y0u caRe f0r w0nt admit it.
    - my miNd faiLs t0 unDerstAnd wHat my hEart teLLs me t0
    do ; but stiLL i'D giVe up aLL i hAve ; juSt t0 be wiTh y0u!
    --» wHen anqeLs 4 qEt h0w 2 fLii..
    * wHen its 20º beLow 0º in juLy..
    wHen vioLets r Red nd r0ses r bLue..
    `tHat's wHen i'LL st0p Lo0ovin y0u!!
    use ne' of them that you want (not taken credit!!)


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