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Member Since: 18 Jun 2012 12:53pm

Last Seen: 19 Aug 2019 02:29pm

user id: 309685

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  1. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2019 2:35pm UTC
    Age you're hoping to get married by: By now I don´t think about that!
    Number of kids you're planning on having: Well, maybe twins, or a lot of kittens :3
    Best eye color: Doesn't matter
    Hair color: Doesn’t matter
    Short or long hair: Doesn’t matter
    Fat or fit: it depends on
    Looks or personality: Both, but a little more personality
    Funny or Serious: both
    1 MINUTE AGO: Typing...
    1 HOUR AGO: Lazying around, It's a lazy kind of day!
    1 WEEK AGO: Home choices
    1 YEAR AGO: studying
    I FEEL: Weird
    I HATE: Rap LOL
    I NEED: Exercise

  2. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2019 2:34pm UTC
    Pepsi or Coke: Both
    McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
    Single or Group dates: Single
    Adidas or Nike: Converse LOL
    Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
    Frappuccino or Coffee: Both
    Smoke: Sometimes
    Cuss: Sometimes… almost always
    Take showers: Obviously
    Have a crush: (oh yeah) OF COURSE NOT!!!
    Like school: Yes!
    Believe in Karma: MAYBE
    Gone to the mall: Yeah
    Been on stage: No yet
    Eaten sushi: Yeah
    Been hurt: Not really LOL
    Dyed your hair: ‘course not!
    Kissed someone: Yeah lol
    Gotten beat up: Yup :’(
    Changed who you were to fit in: A bit

  3. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    August 19, 2019 2:33pm UTC
    Thanks for coming!! 5/5
    Have you ever think about what will happen to Stardoll.com once Flash Player is turning off?
    First Name: I won’t
    Middle: Say
    Last name: THAT!!
    Gender: Female
    Nationality: Mexican
    Current Location: everywhere good food is :P
    Hair Color: I’m brunette
    Righty/Lefty: Righty
    Eye Color: Brown
    Your fear: To be unhappy, frustrated
    What makes you sad: Death, losing loved ones
    What makes you happy: The things I love to do w/ the ones I do
    Your dream of the perfect date: Maybe to be unexpected
    What you want to be: FAMOUS lol
    Your thoughts first waking up: "let’s go, but first, go for the breakfast!"
    Your best physical feature: Now that I love myself a little more, is hard to choose!
    Your bed time: Around 00:00
    Your most missed memory: My kitty

  4. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    August 13, 2019 4:32pm UTC
    Thanks for coming!! 5/5
    What will happen to Stardoll.com once Flash Player is turning off?

  5. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    October 6, 2014 4:53pm UTC
    sabias que?
    ésto debería ir al principio, pero realmente tuve problemas para hacer mi presentación. en fin. Les dejo algunas cosas con las que apuesto algunos se identificarán. Son sobre mi. gracias por sus visitas y 5/5
    1. Mi nombre es Erick 2. Nací en Nayarit, pero vivimos en la capital desde hace mucho 3. Estoy estudiando arquitectura en la UNAM (en una FES cerca de aquí, para ser precisos) 4. Soy del 11 de Noviembre, (llené el formulario de Stardoll sin leer xD ) 5. Soy de los que escuchan diversos tipos de música, pero entre mis grupos favoritos están: The Beatles, Queen, Linkin Park, Rolling Stones, Metallica, The Cars, Blondie, AC/DC, etc... 6. Toco la guitarra en una banda que formé con unos amigos cuando estábamos en la secundaria 7. Tengo un trabajo de medio tiempo en una cafetería 8. Mis colores favoritos son el negro, el rojo y el azul 9. Siempre quise ser policía o soldado, pero cuando iba en secundaria tomé el taller de dibujo técnico y me gustó. 10. Escucho música clásica cuando compongo una canción, si no, no puedo inspirarme. 11. Mis caricaturas y series favoritas son Dragon Ball, el Mundo de Beakman, los Simpsons y los Moomin 12. Tengo algunas repisas con libros, figuritas y autos de juguete coleccionables en mi recámara. 13. Mis animales favoritos son los lobos y los tigres. 14. Mis golosinas favoritas son las cocadas (dulces hechos con leche y ralladura de coco15. No puedo estar sin una taza de café. Es lo primero que tomo por las mañanas. 16. Mis animales mitológicos favoritos son los dragones; tengo una libreta repleta de dibujos de dragones. 17. Mi abuelo me heredó varios LP's de The Beatles, desde que recuerdo los oigo. 18. Mi color de cabello es castaño obscuro (casi negro) y mi ojos son aceitunados 19. No soporto que los demás se fanaticen demasiado con algo que no es tan bueno, pero cada quien 20. No me gustan las palomitas azucaradas ni la miel
    21. Tengo pésima letra (no se me entiende), y es que soy ambidiestro. 22. Tengo tremenda habilidad para recordar números y realizar operaciones matemáticas. 23. Me agrada cocinar, no lo considero como algo que va sólo en chicas. 24. Mi género favorito para las pelis es la ciencia ficción, aunque también me gusta el terror. 25. Mi autor favorito es Stephen King. 26. No soporto a quienes se dicen "hipsters", la música reggaetón ni a los conformistas. 27. Una vez hice una apuesta con una amiga y perdí: tuve que escuchar a los Jonas Brothers por 1 día completo (qué horror). 28. Si pudiese, golpearía horriblemente a Miley Cyrus, nadie debería permitirle mancillar asquerosamente nuestra bandera. 29. Mi personaje favorito es Cletus y Vegetta XD 30. Nunca aprendí a andar en bici, pero me gusta mucho nadar. 31.Estudié un poco de alemán en el bachillerato. 32. Soy alergico a las nueces. 33. Una vez patinando me rompí la pierna, fueron 3 meses los que estuve enyesado. 34. Mi estación favorita del año es el otoño. 35. Tengo un auto: me lo dió mi papá cuando entré a la universidad. (es un cooper) 36. No uso mucho Stardoll, ya que a veces me aburre o simplemente no tengo tiempo. 37. Tengo el mal hábito de morderme las uñas y de dejar los deberes hasta el final. 38. Soy algo tímido, pero con algo de confianza me puedo volver muy aventado. 39. De pequeño le temía a los payasos, ahora no me causan ni risa 40. No soy muy bueno jugando videojuegos, pero si en soccer y basquetball. 41. Por lo general me despierto a las 8 de la mañana, pero, si no tomé café, me vuelvo a dormir 42. Mi primer beso lo dí cuando tenía 5 años. No recuerdo bien el nombre de mi primera novia xD 43. Detesto que comparen a One Direction con The Beatles, ¡POR DIOS! 44. Me gusta cuando llueve y el olor que deja la lluvia en la tierra. 45. No me gusta fumar ni tomar, pero a veces lo hago cuando estoy con mis amigos. 46. Detesto el sonido que le quieren sacar a las motocicletas: solo molestan, pero los tipos que las conducen por lo general, bueno, no lo puedo escribir. 47. Me gusta mucho ir a museos y a conciertos. 48. Quisiera vivir en un lugar cerca del mar, algún día, tal vez al titularme. 49. Lo que más me gusta en una chica es su forma de ser y sus ojos. (bueno, en ella todo xD) 50. Ésta presentación fue hecha por LuNNiiZZie, en verdad la adoro.

  6. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2014 12:48pm UTC
    AHOY!!! $
    First I want to say that I am very happy that you have come. Thank you for the nice comments. My name is Marie and I'm not russian. I'm from England but I like Russia.
    I love to take the Tea w/ my grandma and to go w/ my friends to the mall.
    My favorite musical group is the fabulous swedish band "The Sounds", course "The Beatles", “t.A.T.u” and "Queen" too.
    My BFF is Annyka. We are friends since she moved to England, 11 years ago. She is teaching me to talk swedish, it's so funny ! She had a Stardoll account, she told me, and, now I'm here now.
    I really apreciate the friend requests, now I'll leave you w/ my favorite song. Please vote me 5/5
    Lots of love
    Marie Anderberg (that's no my last name.
    It's just that I love Jesper Anderberg :3) x
    Let us go back to the time when the underground
    Was the place where we all used to hide away
    Let us go back to the streets where it all begun
    How could I know, it was the last time I saw you?
    Seventeen and believed in just anything
    Could be true, could be bad, something in between
    I recall all those lazy summer nights
    And all I knew was the time I spent with you
    I could easily stay, and never come home
    Looking out on the field like it's never been changed
    The past is a place that you can never return to
    Even though people say that this is where you belong
    I could easily stay, and never come home
    Looking out on the field like it's never been changed
    The past is a place that you can never return to
    Even though people say that this is where you belong
    I could always try to reach you
    And it's pumping through my veins
    And there's nothing I can do about it
    (though people say that this is where you belong)
    Let us go back to the time when the underground
    It used to be our place it belonged to us
    And I'd go back if I could but it's not the same
    And now I know, it was the last time I saw you?
    I could always try to reach you
    And it's pumping through my veins
    And there's nothing I can do about it
    I could always try to reach you
    And it's pumping through my veins
    And there's nothing I can do about it
    I could easily stay, and never come home
    Looking out on the field like it's never been changed
    The past is a place that you can never return to
    Even though people say that this is where you belong
    I could always try to reach you
    And it's pumping through my veins
    And there's nothing I can do about it

  7. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 11:18pm UTC
    I © Retro
    Vivimos en un mundo que va aprisa, tratando de innovarse diariamente, cada hora, cada segundo… sin embargo, y a pesar de tantos avances, podemos “viajar en el tiempo”, ¿cómo?, tal vez esto pueda ayudar
    Maquillaje Pin-Up, pósters de bandas extintas, discos de vinilo o videocasettes regados por toda la habitación. Psicodelia impregnada en las cortinas o blusas con estampados o bordados hippies. Tu pantalón acampanado favorito, la falda que te heredó tu abuela, la chaqueta de cuero que encontraste entre las cosas más viejas de tu padre, los leggins que le tomaste prestados a tu madre o a tus tías, el viejo vestido con tirantes que siempre pedías usar, a pesar de lo sucio que pudiese estar. Las historias del abuelo y los juegos que jugabas antes de conocer bien una computadora.
    Yo © mi pasado
    Yo © mi presente
    Yo ©ré lo que venga

  8. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2014 10:15pm UTC
    The Sounds
    Are a Swedish indie rock band. formed in 1998 by classmates Félix Rodríguez, Johan Bengtsson, Fredrik Nilsson and Maja Ivarsson in Helsingborg, Sweden. The group met Jesper Anderberg, the youngest member, by chance at the Hultsfred Festival and was enlisted to play keyboards and guitar. The band's name was decided months later during a trip to London. The group's musical style has been compared to new wave acts such as Blondie or The Cars.
    Their debut album, Living in America, was released in 2002, with the follow-up Dying to Say This to You on March 21, 2006. Their third album, Crossing the Rubicon, was released on June 2, 2009, and their fourth, Something to Die For, was released on March 29, 2011. Their latest album, Weekend, was released on October 29, 2013.

  9. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 10:03am UTC
    Ola ke ase?
    Mirando los simpsons o ke ase?
    "Se que no soy un hombre de plegarias, pero si estas en el cielo ¡salvame por favor superman!"
    -homer Simpson
    "Nuestros Beatles son mejores que sus preciosos rolling stones"
    -homer simpson
    "Oh poderoso dios del oceano, los griegos te llamaban poseidon y los romanos acuaman"
    -Homer Simpson
    "Me quiero volver chango: ¡conocimos a Mr. Bean!"
    -Homer Simpson
    "Lisa, los vampiros son solo seres inventados por los duendes, los gremlins y los esquimales"
    -Homer Simpson
    "Tendra todo el dinero del mundo, pero habra algo que no podra comprar: un dinosaurio"
    -Homer simpson
    "Esas son historias que le cuentan a los ninos, como el coco, frankenstein o michael jackson"
    -Homer Simpson

  10. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2012 1:38pm UTC

  11. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    October 16, 2012 1:23pm UTC
    Im a girl...
    ...who eats ice cream
    ...who loves her tennis
    ...who loves her grandmas' house
    ...who hates 1D or Justin Bieber .I.
    ...who prefers to be realist
    ...who likes the history
    ...who hates the parties
    ...who prefers the concerts
    ...who thinks that Paul McCartney is sexy
    ...who loves the Hamburgers
    ...who hates the Yisus Fans
    Accept me or F*ck you! .I.

  12. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 12:17pm UTC
    Colores favoritos: todos.. pero más el azul, rosa, morado, verde y negro
    combinar ropa? ¿que es eso? xD
    Amores platónicos: Nick Jonas y the Beatles, entre otros
    y no, no los considero abuelitos... jajaja
    Me encantaría poder recorrer todo el mundo...
    saber de costumbres, descubrir cosas nuevas, huir por un rato de la rutina
    Comida favorita: SOy una glotona de primera... conozco muchos tipos de comida
    aunque me encanta la italiana y la hindu
    Cosas que me encantan y hago en stardoll: disenar ropa a mis gustos y medidas y tener en mi suite cosas que no tengo en la vida real (como el auto)
    Cosas que odio de stardoll: que sea una pagina que incite a las personas a gastar dinero en cosas innecesarias, que sea superficial, y que despues se convierta en un vicio.
    Bien, muchas socias pierden piso cuando se convierten en Royalty... ..yo no lo haré, aceptaré todas las solicitudes que me envien, pero por favor NO ESCRIBAN COMENTARIOS DE PROPAGANDA COVERGIRL O NCG, yo elijo por quien votar. GRACIAS
    Yo no hago campañas CoverGirl, tu eliges por quien votar. No chateo... prefiero enviar mensajes, puedes solicitar un

  13. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    July 24, 2012 12:08pm UTC
    Hello everybody!
    Soy Ily, tengo 16 y vivo en Mexico.
    Timida, inteligente y algo rara
    no soy de las que pasan horas al teléfono o en fiestas, pero tampoco de los que devoran su tiempo en lectura
    Me gusta patinar, escuchar música, pintar, practicar deporte, convivir con mi familia y amigos, cantar y componer.
    Me aprendo las cosas rápido, aunque a veces sea distraida.
    No me gusta ser falsa, trato de ser ecologista y empecé a interesarme e el vegetarianismo;)
    Me considero original, muy diferente a las chicas de mi edad, solo me gusta divertirme a mi manera.
    Creecias e ideologias: Ninguna! me han censurado :P
    musica preferida: de todo un poco y conforme a la situación (claro, excepto reggaeton y el tribal)
    clásica para relajarme o inspirarme, pop para escuchar y cantar, rock tambien, electro y tropical, para bailar... (je, apenas estoy aprendiendo)
    Artistas y grupos favoritos: La oreja de Van Gogh (desde siempre), The Beatles (siempre los había escuchado, como grupo y por separado, pero jamás me habían interesado como ahora), Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Julieta Venegas, Avril Lavigne, Jonas, Jesse & Joy, Linkin Park, etc. etc.
    cantantes que odio: justin bieber, wisin y yandel, jlo
    Signo zodiacal: Sagitario C/ ascendecia a acuario x)
    nací en el año del jabalíi

  14. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2012 11:07pm UTC
    Tengo 13.
    Me gusta dibujar (bueno calcar dibujos),escuchar musica
    leer revistas.
    Mis deportes favoritos son el basquetbol
    Soy divertida , creativa y odio a justin bieber.

  15. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2012 11:05pm UTC
    soy pandita_agria, pero mi nombre es Miri. Me gustan todos los colores, pero más el rosa, azul, morado y negro
    Mis cantantes y grupos favoritos son: Queen, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, etc.

  16. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 3:22pm UTC
    Tiempo de canciones :DD
    I’VE JUST SEEN A FACE – The Beatles
    I've just seen a face
    I can't forget the time or place that we just met
    he's just a boy for me
    and I want all the world that we've just met
    mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm
    Had it been another day
    I might have locked the other way
    and I'd have never been aware
    but as it is I'll dream of his tonight
    da, da, da, da, da, da
    falling, yes I'm falling
    and he keeps calling
    me back again
    I have never known the like of this
    I've been alone and I have
    missed things and kept out of sight
    for other girls were never quite like this
    mm, mm, mm, da, da, da
    falling, yes I'm falling
    and he keeps calling
    me back again
    I've just seen a face
    I can't forget the time or place that we just met
    he's just a boy for me
    and I want all the world that we've just met
    mm, mm, mm, da, da, da
    falling, yes I'm falling
    and he keeps calling
    me back again

  17. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    24w 3

  18. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 2:34pm UTC
    As a five-piece line-up of Lennon, McCartney and Harrison on guitar and vocals, with Stuart Sutcliffe (bass) and Pete Best (drums), the band built their reputation playing clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg over a three-year period from 1960. Sutcliffe left the group in 1961, and Best was replaced by Starr the following year. Moulded into a professional act by manager Brian Epstein, their musical potential was enhanced by the creativity of producer George Martin. They gained popularity in the United Kingdom after their first single, "Love Me Do", became a modest hit in late 1962, and they acquired the nickname the "Fab Four" as Beatlemania grew in Britain over the following year. By early 1964 they had become international stars, leading the "British Invasion" of the United States pop market. The band toured extensively around the world until August 1966, when they performed their final commercial concert. From 1966 they produced what many critics consider to be some of their finest material, including the innovative and widely influential albums Revolver (1966), Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967), The Beatles (1968) and Abbey Road (1969). After their break-up in 1970, the ex-Beatles each found success in individual musical careers. Lennon was murdered in 1980, and Harrison died of cancer in 2001. McCartney and Starr remain active.
    The Beatles are the best-selling band in history, with estimated sales of over one billion units.[2] They have had more number-one albums on the UK charts and have held the top spot longer than any other musical act. According to the RIAA, as of 2012 they have sold 177 million units in the US, more than any other artist, and in 2008 they topped Billboard magazine's list of the all-time most successful Hot 100 artists. As of 2012, they hold the record for most number-one hits on the Hot 100 chart with 20. They have received 7 Grammy Awards from the American National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences, an Academy Award for Best Original Song Score and 15 Ivor Novello Awards from the British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors. They were collectively included in Time magazine's compilation of the 20th century's 100 most influential people.

  19. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2012 2:29pm UTC
    The Best ROCK band of the world
    The Beatles were an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960 and one of the most commercially successful and critically acclaimed acts in the history of popular music. The group's best-known lineup consisted of John Lennon (rhythm guitar, vocals), Paul McCartney (bass guitar, vocals),George Harrison (lead guitar, vocals) and Ringo Starr (drums, vocals). Rooted in skiffle and 1950s rock and roll, the group later worked in many genres ranging from pop ballads topsychedelic rock, often incorporating classicaland other elements in innovative ways. Their enormous popularity first emerged as "Beatlemania"; as their songwriting grew in sophistication, by the late 1960s they came to be perceived by many fans and cultural observers as an embodiment of the ideals shared by the era's sociocultural revolutions.

  20. beatlemania beatlemania
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 12:53pm UTC
    Creencias e ideologias: Soy casi atea; no me interesa el gobierno ni la iglesia, los politicos de mi pais son realmente ******* xD.
    Beliefs and ideologies: I'm almost an atheist, I do not want the government or the church, the politicians of my country are really ******* xD
    Música preferida: de todo un poco y conforme a la situación (claro, excepto el reggaeton o el tribal)
    Favorite Music: A little of everything and according to the situation (that is, except reggaeton or tribal)
    Artistas y grupos favoritos : La oreja de Van Gogh (desde siempre), The Beatles (desde siempre, como grupo y por separado), Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Julieta Venegas, Avril Lavigne, Nick Jonas, Jesse & Joy, PXNDX, etc. etc. :D
    Artists and favorite bands: LOdVG (always), The Beatles (always as a group and individually), Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, Julieta Venegas, Avril Lavigne, Nick Jonas, Jesse & Joy, PXNDX, etc.. etc. :D
    Signo Zodiacal: Sagitario
    Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
    Colores favoritos: azul, rosa, morado, verde y negro.
    Favorite Colors: Blue, pink, purple, Green and black
    Amores Platonicos: Nick Jonas y Paul McCartney
    Platonic loves: Nick Jonas and Paul McCartney
    Lugares favoritos: China, Inglaterra, Italia, Francia, España, Canadá, alguna playa y mi habitación
    Favorite countries: China, England, Italy, France, Spain, Canada some beach and my bedroom
    Comida favorita: Italiana (pastas) y vegana
    Favorite food: Italian and vegan


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