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  1. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 9:46pm UTC
    Thanks to all for reading my new story, Blackbirds. If you've seen it around, be sure to check my profile and read the back cover, prologue, and the other chapters! :)
    that is all.

  2. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2012 9:44pm UTC
    Chapter 4
    Part 1
    “Hallie…I have some bad news, and good news. Ted told me this morning that most of our produce has gone bad- which means he can’t sell any of it,” he explained, with a worried look on his face. His wrinkles seemed to cave in deeper than before. “That also means we need to find some other way to make money or fix the problem.”
    I stared at him, shocked. All of our hard work was going to waste? “Well, what do we do?”
    “Ted offered me a job at the market, but I denied. It’s too crazy on the farm, and working more hours? I had to turn it down. So I guess we have to start all over, you know, wait until next harvest.”
    “Grandpa, you can’t be serious. How do we start over? We’ll be broke by the next harvest!” I protested.
    “Well, the good news is that Ted also offered you a job, but I wasn’t sure you’d want it,” he said slowly.
    “I’ll take it! I’ll work nine to five! Summer vacation is pretty much here, I can work all summer. Gramps, I can do this!” I eagerly took up the job. I’ve known that place most of my life- what other better job was there for me?
    “I actually have some more bad news. Your teacher called- Mrs. Dalton. Yeah, you’re failing her class. She discussed some sort of tutor for you? How will you work and get tutored?”
    “I’ll find a way, Grandpa. My family comes first, no matter what. I remember Mom telling me that when I was young,” I said, trying to remember.
    “That’s because she learned it from me,” he winked and said, “I’m going out fishing today with Mr. Brown. I’ll be back before dinner. You should see Ted if you’re serious about that job, Hal. It would be a great help, but remember that your schoolwork is also very important.”
    I zoned out when he spoke about school. It didn’t matter to me. I’ll always be stuck in this stupid, small town with even stupider people. After Grandpa left, I walked to the horse’s barn and let out my horse, Valiant. He was a beautiful brown tone with a strip of white going down his nozzle. I took him out for a ride, as I usually did on the weekends. He was one of my only companions. At school, I only had Marybeth, and she was considered popular. I spend most of my time alone in the library, where nobody ever notices you, which is good for me.
    Valiant understands my emotions. He knows that when I’m feeling happy, I like riding slowly, taking in the air around me. When I’m angered, he knows to gallop. Mostly, he understands when I’m thinking, because he trots around, letting me get lost in my thoughts.
    The sun was near to setting, so I decided to head back to Ted’s Farmer’s Market to discuss the job offer. I was excited but at the same time, I felt like Grandpa was counting on me to help. I pulled out of the driveway and made it back to Ted’s.
    hai guys! :)
    thank you so much for reading and BLOWING up my notifications...okay 15, but that's more than i've ever gotten! :) <3 love you guys. the story may be a little boring, and i still have to incorporate the title. but i'll get there! and for those hopeless romantics like myself out there, you'll see a lot more action later!
    keep reading, and i'll keep posting

  3. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 9:48pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    Part 2
    His face seemed to drop. He explained, “Well, it’s kind of personal, and I doubt you’d care.”
    “Why wouldn’t I care? If you don’t want to tell me, it’s cool.”
    “Okay, well, my little sister, Rosie, is sick, and my family is struggling financially. So I decided to take on a job in order to pay the bills,” he told me. I felt my heart skip a beat, feeling more like being stabbed, when I heard ‘Rosie’ was sick. Grandpa sometimes called Grandma Rose ‘Rosie’, especially when she was in the hospital.
    “Oh, well that’s a good reason. And I do care,” I said, avoiding to say ‘I’m so sorry.’ That expression only made it worse when my parents died, and when Grandma died.
    “Well, if I want to keep the job, I should get going. I guess I’ll see you next Saturday?”
    “Sure, and I hope your sister feels better,” I said sympathetically. He walked off to unload some more boxes, and I was left feeling completely puzzled. He was a complete stranger, yet I felt like I knew him forever. I wanted to get to know him better- you know, to make sure his sister survived and all. It was almost as if I had to, like Grandma Rose was standing there, telling me I should. And it helped that he was attractive.
    Back at the farm, I fed the chickens their regular grain, and since I had some time, I sat down and watched them quietly. Suddenly, a dark figure moved from behind a shelf, and out came a little black bird, which silently came into sight, eating the grains I threw for the chickens. It had been the figure I saw yesterday morning. I smiled, identifying it as a Brewer’s Blackbird. I reminisced about Grandma Rose’s stories about blackbirds when she was a little girl. She told me she raised one when she found it, broken winged and all, in the grass by her house. Ever since then, she told me, they had been her favorite bird.
    The little bird cocked its head, looking up at me. I smiled, and decided to name it, but I couldn’t think of anything. At that moment, Grandpa came into the barn. The bird flew shyly back into its corner, out of sight. “Hal, do you have a moment?” I frowned, wondering what had happened, but followed him out of the barn and back towards the house.
    sorry this wasn't as long
    i'll keep posting, if you guys keep reading!

  4. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 8:48pm UTC
    Chapter 3
    Part 1
    It was Saturday morning, which meant me and Grandpa had to take our weekly trip to Ted’s Farmer’s Market. The owner, Ted, was Grandpa’s best friend. They had been in business together for over thirty years. Grandpa gave him the harvest, and Ted sold it. Ever since I started living on Grandpa’s farm, we’ve been going to Ted’s. It became my favorite part of the week, easily, because it meant I could run around through the aisles of the air-conditioned store. Now, I still love going, but because I see so many people buying the fresh produce that I contributed to. It’s one of those feelings that make me warm inside.
    “Good mornin’, Mrs. Hallie. How’s you today?” Ted said in his thick country accent, his cigar getting in the way of his speech. He had been like an uncle to me, growing up.
    “Great, Ted, thank you. I’ve just been tired from the hard work on the farm,” I admitted.
    “Well, it’s all goin’ to good use,” he said, as he led Grandpa to the back storage area.
    I waited around the store, politely speaking to the employees who knew me from every other Saturday. As I walked down an aisle of apples and pears, an employee with boxes in his hands knocked into me. The boxes were blocking his view, and since my head was turned to see the apples, it was a sudden collision. We both fell over and the boxes, having peaches inside, spilled everywhere. I tried getting up, but the peaches and boxes had landed on me. The employee jumped up, revealing his face.
    He had dark, black hair, strong arms, and had a great jaw-line. His eyes stood out- deep blue-green and almost intimidating. I was instantly attracted, but in the way that you are when you see a hot movie star- attracted, in an unreal kind of way. He looked to be about my age, maybe older. He quickly bent over and cleared the area, and stuck out a strong hand to pull me up.
    “I am so sorry!” He apologized sincerely, as he bent down to pick the peaches up. I helped him reload the boxes, finding that I couldn’t look into his eyes because they were too beautiful.
    “It was my fault- I didn’t see you coming. Are you new here?” I asked.
    “It’s my third day, actually. Is it that obvious?”
    I laughed. “No, but I never noticed you before. I come here every Saturday with my Grandpa to give Ted the harvest,” I explained, keeping myself from staring at his arms.
    “You know the owner? He seems a bit…terrifying,” he said, timidly.
    “Well, he is at first. But he’s got a big heart. He’s almost like my uncle,” I laughed at the thought of such a handsome, strong man to be afraid of beer-bellied Ted.
    “I sure hope he doesn’t fire me for this…” He said, and as if on cue, Ted and Grandpa walked into the scene.
    “What’s this? Samuel, what have you done?!” Ted roared.
    “Ted! It was all my fault. I’m so sorry, I just bumped into him and everything went flying, but we tried to clean it up in time,” I lied. I knew Ted had a soft spot for me.
    “Oh, Hal. Try to be more careful in the shop, honey,” Grandpa said, as if an apology.
    Ted narrowed his eyes at the employee, Samuel, but gave me a smile. “Just clean it up,
    you two,” he said, but soon left busily with Grandpa.
    I finished picking up most of the peaches with Samuel, and stacking the boxes on the floor when he said, “You didn’t have to do that for me. I could have taken the blame. My name is Samuel, but you can call me Sam.”
    “Oh, it wasn’t a big deal. Ted softens up for me. My name’s Hallie. Nice to meet you,” I said, and politely shook his hand. He grinned, revealing his almost-too-perfect smile. “You look young- why are you working here?”
    thanks if you favorited/commented/followed!
    it means so much to me to know that there are people out there reading!

  5. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 7:54pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    Part 2
    We had three in total- Barbra Streisand, Judy Garland, and Bernadette Peters. Grandma Rose named Judy and Bernie, but I named Babs, when I was little. They meant the world to her, and they mean the world to me. When I reached them, they stared at me and I apologized out loud to them. I began milking them when I heard a heavy breathing a few meters away. I looked up only to see Gary running to where I was.
    “My mother made me come here, to apologize. So, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
    “What?” I questioned, but then I realized what he meant. His remark earlier made me realize I had to milk the cows, but to them, it seemed like I ran away because of what he said. “No, I just realized I had to milk the cows. I forgot before. And if you want to know what it’s like, then get down on your knees,” I suggested.
    He laughed, but rejected. “I’m sorry for upsetting you, if I did. I just don’t like this whole idea. My parents have been pestering me to get a girlfriend, and you’re great, but I’m into someone else. I’m sorry.”
    I stopped milking and looked up at him. “Listen, I don’t want this either. My Grandpa forced me into this, because he claims I need someone to take care of me when he…passes. I don’t want just anybody, though. No offense,” I laughed. “Anyways, why don’t you go after that girl you’re into?”
    “Ah, she’s way too popular for me, I’m just a regular Joe. Nothing special,” he sighed.
    “Well…my Grandpa’s name is Joe and I can guarantee he is not ordinary. Maybe one day you’ll end up with her. But you don’t know unless you try,” I told him. “Now, go back inside and explain why I’m out here. I’ll be there soon.” I smiled nicely to him, but in the way that was friendly, not just polite. He jogged down the field, and left me to my thoughts.
    ‘You never know until you try’ was ringing in my ears. How could I know I’m not good in relationships if I’d never had one? Maybe what Grandpa was trying to do was good. No, I thought, I’m just a Farm Girl, nobody wants me. I patted the girls on the head after I finished milking them, and descended back up to the house, just in time to finish the meal and say goodnight.
    When Grandpa shut the door, he asked, “So, what do you think?”
    “Well, we talked when I was in the field. He likes somebody else, and feels awkward because his parents want him to get a girlfriend soon, too,” I explained.
    “Ah, Hal, you could probably seduce him!” He laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh, too. Even though he was joking, I knew he really wanted me to find someone, and fast. So, I became serious.
    “Just give me time, Gramps. It’s not up to me to find a guy. Sometimes, the right person has to just walk into your life, right?”
    “That is true, but, a man won’t notice you if you’re sitting in the back of a room, playing with your hair. Get up, and introduce yourself to some people!” He smiled at me and then said, “I’m off to bed, it has been quite a long day. See you in the morning.” He kissed my forehead and slowly walked up the stairs to his bedroom. I smiled, looking around in our kitchen, and frowned when my eyes hit the sink. It was piled twice as high with dishes, and I knew I needed to do them.
    As I soaped and rinsed the dishes, I began to feel like Grandpa was right. Maybe I did need someone in my life. After all, I didn’t want to wash dishes all by myself for the rest of my life. I guess I was just scared of letting somebody in my life, knowing that one day, they’ll walk out. But you never know until you try. I knew it was time to learn to fly. “You were only waiting for this moment to arise.”
    thanks for reading! :)
    c/l if you want me to continue!

  6. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 7:47pm UTC
    Chapter 2
    Part 1
    “Hallie, wake up,” I heard Grandpa say, as he shook me awake. I rubbed my eyes and remembered what happened. It was six o’ clock, and the Richards were expected to come at six thirty.
    “Grandpa, I’m sorry, but I just can’t let go of you. I’ll be friendly to Gary, but you can’t make me fall in love,” I explained.
    “I know, honey. I’m just scared. What if I passed away and you had to take care of this farm all by yourself? And balance school? I just want to know someone will watch over you even if I can’t.”
    “I understand, I’ll try,” I said, getting up. “I’ll get ready- did you cook dinner?” He nodded his head and smiled.
    After he left, I changed out of my flannel shirt and into a nice yellow blouse. I let my black hair fall naturally, and I even put some makeup on, just to show Grandpa I was trying. However, he’d never understand that relationships never worked with me. At my school, I was the only one who lived on a farm. Everyone basically knew about it- and most of them laughed at me. The most attractive of boys at my school called me Farm Girl, and even the sweetest guys avoided me. Marybeth was the only friend I had, and if I was ever to be dating her brother, it would be extremely awkward. Plus, I didn’t want to be in a relationship that was set up because I had limited family. A relationship should be out of love.
    The doorbell broke into my thoughts, and I ran down the stairs to open it. Marybeth came inside and hugged me first, and her parents and brother followed. I politely said hello to Gary, and he looked as terrified as I felt. After polite exchanges, we led them to the dining room where Grandpa had lay out the meal.
    “So, Hallie, how’s school been?” Mrs. Richard asked.
    “Oh, fine, thanks to Marybeth!” I laughed and playfully punched her arm. If it hadn’t been for her, I’d still be asleep in Mrs. Dalton’s classroom.
    Everyone laughed that fake laugh you make during tea parties, except for Gary. He had been silent the whole night. Finally, he spoke, but his remark surprised us all. “So what’s it like to milk a cow?” he asked.
    I was speechless. Was he trying to make a cruel joke? I panicked and started to speak, but Mrs. Richard saved me by clicking her tongue and saying, “Now, Gary, that was not nice to say. What if Hallie doesn’t milk cows?”
    Just then, I remembered that I had forgotten to milk the cows when I returned home for lunch. Most people think a cow will explode if you forget to milk them, but my girls feel an awful pain. I quickly rose and excused myself, sprinting out of the house and onto the field where the cows were.
    Hai, guys.
    I couldn't wait to put this up. I just finished ch 2, part 2 is coming up in a moment :)
    Go on my profile and read the prologue and chapter 1! :)
    Comment/Like so i know you're reading! :)

  7. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 7:36pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    Part 2
    When lunch came, I drove home, only to see Grandpa still sitting in the chair. It had been nearly four hours.
    “Grandpa, what’s wrong? You haven’t moved,” I inquired.
    “I’ve just been thinking,” he said.
    “Oh…listen, Grandpa: Grandma Rose loved this farm, almost as much as she loved you and me. We have to take care of it, for her. I’m struggling in school, and I can’t do this alone,” I pleaded.
    “Hallie, that’s what I’ve been thinking. Sooner or later, I’ll be gone. You’ll need someone to help you with all this. Plus, I’m getting older each minute. I can barely walk to the field and back without having to take a few breaks, and my back hurts from just picking up the sack of grain. And I won’t leave this earth without knowing someone can take care of you.”
    “Grandpa, don’t speak like that. I don’t need anybody but you, and that’s how it’ll be forever, I promise,” I said, and I could feel tears coming into my eyes. The way he spoke of him leaving just killed me. I wasn’t ready to let go of everything I had. Not now, not ever.
    “You need to understand, Hallie. We can’t always pretend we’re living in a perfect place. I don’t want to leave you alone. That’s why I invited the Richards over, you know, Marybeth’s family. Hopefully, you’ll befriend Gary, her brother. They were very welcomed to the idea,” he spoke slowly and softly, as if the words hurt him too much.
    “Well I’m not!” I shouted loudly. I couldn’t find any words to describe what I felt, so I ran into the house, slamming the broken screen door behind me. I didn’t even bother going back to school. I fell asleep in my room, listening to Blackbird. Grandma would never force me into loving anyone. “Taking these sunken eyes and learn to see…”
    thanks guys

  8. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 7:34pm UTC
    Chapter 1
    Part 1
    I sipped the last of my tea and set the cup into the full sink. It has been exactly one month since Grandma Rose died. Ever since then, Grandpa Joe and I have become closer. Taking on the chores and farm work has been harder without Grandma, but we do them together. I ignored the dishes piling up in the sink, and headed outside to where Grandpa was. He was sitting on the porch with his usual cup of lemonade. “Good morning, Hal,” he sighed.
    “’Morning Grandpa. Have you fed the chickens?” I asked, looking out at our little farm. I saw the cows and horses grazing, as they did every morning.
    “Yeah…yesterday,” he laughed. I could tell he had been in deep thought.
    “Those chickens won’t feed themselves, you know,” I smiled at him, and headed towards the barn where the chickens were. I took the sack of grains and threw handfuls around. After they started eating, I took down an old crate and sat on it. The early morning sun streamed through the doors of the barn, but a shadow hit one corner. As I noticed it, I saw a figure move around. I got up and cautiously moved forward. The unknown figure quickly hid behind the old wooden shelves before I got a chance to look. I figured I’d be late for school if I waited around, so I walked back to the house and saw Grandpa still in his seat.
    “Alright, Gramps, I’m headed for school now. I’ll be back for lunch in time to milk the cows,” I said, kissing him goodbye. I walked down the mud path to my old truck and climbed in. After many attempts, it roared to life and I pulled away from the farm and onto the road.
    “Mrs. Thomas, the algebraic equation, please?” Mrs. Dalton asked. I felt Marybeth tap me on the shoulder as I groggily looked up, unaware of my surroundings. Of course- I fell asleep in class, again.
    “Yes, ma’am. Uhh, what number?” I politely asked. Many snickers were shared around the room. To my surprise, the bell rang, saving me from the embarrassment. Everyone began packing their bags as Mrs. Dalton came up to my desk.
    “Hallie, this is the third time you’ve been unable to answer my question, due to your slumbering in my classroom. If this continues, you will be asked to leave,” she stated, frowning.
    “Mrs. Dalton, please. I know the answers, I just can’t think straight. You don’t understand!” By now, the classroom was empty. “I don’t want to fail this class, or any of my other classes, but it’s been stressful these last few weeks. I’m sorry.”
    “I understand, with your grandmother passing away, and you and your grandfather taking care of the farm, you must be exhausted,” she said. I nodded, agreeing with every word. “However, you cannot push school aside. If you want to go far, you must work hard. Now, I’ve considered a fine tutor for you and--”
    I cut her off. “I don’t need a tutor.”
    “Well, dear,” she said in her politely-angry voice, “You have to have a tutor, or you won’t pass my class. Alright?”
    “Fine,” I said, and whizzed pass her and out of the classroom. I never needed any help doing anything. I’ve had no parents for eleven years, and I’m practically running my own farm right now.
    Part 2 coming up in a moment...
    hai, so thanks for those who faved/commented my prologue. i hope you like this, comment if you have a suggestion or something :) chapter two is almost done!
    btw this is my first witty story soo...
    <3 xoxo thanks!

  9. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 6:44pm UTC
    Hallie threw the last of her flowers onto the grave and squeezed her grandfather’s hand tightly. She knew this feeling; the feeling of saying goodbye to something forever, and being unable to fix it. She pictured herself eleven years ago, throwing flowers onto her parents’ grave when she was seven years old. The image came so quickly, as if it was yesterday. A single tear cascaded down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. Hallie and her grandfather sat silently by the grave when everyone had left. She wrapped her arms around her legs and listened to the sounds of the earth: the wind in her ear, the birds in the background, and a distant neighing of a horse on a farm. And, because it felt right, she took up singing her grandmother’s favorite song, Blackbird, by the Beatles. Grandpa Joe smiled, took her hand, and led her back to the farm. Hallie continued to sing: “Blackbird singing in the dead of night take these broken wings and learn to fly…”
    if you like this, keep reading :)
    it would be great if you guys could notify me to tell me
    that someone out there is reading
    and likes it!
    I'll probably continue no matter what
    but i'd love some feedback!
    Chapter 1 coming later tonight
    Chapter 2 maybe even later or on Monday!
    This is gunna be good.

  10. ScarsandStories ScarsandStories
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2012 4:48pm UTC
    Hai, im going to write a story here on witty. Here is a "back cover" of information...if you like it, keep reading.
    Hallie Thomas understands what it’s like to lose someone. She lost both her parents when she was seven, but fortunately was taken in by her grandparents. Ever since then, she has lived on their farm, quite happily. However, when her grandmother dies suddenly of a stroke, she is left to live with her grandfather, whose health is deteriorating. She doesn’t understand why he keeps pestering her to go on a date or meet someone new every time she goes out of the house. Once, Grandpa Joe even invites a family over from her school. Hallie doesn’t know how to act, especially when the cute Sam Parker befriends her, and Grandpa Joe keeps smiling every time they’re together.
    It might change a little...but I think it's worth writing and reading. Hope you enjoy :)


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