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Status: Looking for a friend and a follow? ME TOO!(: Let's hook each other up (;

Member Since: 23 Jul 2012 11:10pm

Last Seen: 17 Nov 2012 04:03pm

Gender: F

user id: 319864

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  1. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2012 6:20pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 34
    Lauren's POV
    It was a long time before I wrote Collin back. About 3 months, I just couldn't find the time to do it, between teaching, baby check ups, and buying things for the baby, I had no spare time. I sat down, having to push back the chair, as my stomach was huge, I was 6 months pregnant. I slid into the counter and began to write, I was very discrete, managing to work around John, and the baby. I had just finished closing up the envelope when I heard a knock at the door. It startled me, but I rose to get the door. I looked throught the peephole and saw John's eyes. I screamed from the bottom of my throat silently, only so I could hear. And out of nowhere he screamed, "Lauren I know you're in there. I can see your car. Open." I covered my mouth and ran silently to my roomI slid the door shut and tried to sleep, I was tired and feel asleep within a minute. I woke up no more than 10 minutes later and saw John at the foot of my bed, he smiled, "Darling, when we concieved our baby, you gave me a key to your house. I hate to say, genius. you're a true genius." I froze in my bed and before I could move he was on top of me, I screamed, "The baby John." and he just laughed as he slowly slid under the blankets. I felt my sweats being pulled down and John's cold hands on my thighs. That's when I actually woke up, I felt my forehead, the sweat streaming down my face. It was just a dream. I smiled with relief but then started to cry. I needed help. I needed Collin... But I couldn't tell him. I could, never, tell him.

  2. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 1:02am UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 33
    Lauren's POV
    It was a long wait. Waiting for the letter from Collin. Everyday the baby would grow, and it was about two months later when I finally recieved the letter from Collin. My belly was rounding up. I had set the letter on the counter, afraid to read it. I slowly tore the seal and slid the flimsy sheet of paper from the envelope, it read,
    Lauren, I'm so excited! We can finally be a family! Me, you, and our baby. Boy or Girl.. you'll have to write me! Hey babe, bad news, they scheduled me for another year, and they wont let me come home before then! You're gonna have to be strong for me, ok? The manager said I might be able to skype with you around a holiday or something, so what is it now? July? So, lets plan Christmas.. Love you Laur, and what's wrong?! What happened.. what are you couping with..?! Love you! Write back soon and I'll try to write back FASTER! Bye Laur, keep safe.. Keep our baby safe! And Hey! I love the name Parker.. and I love.. the name Dylan, for a girl, or cody for a girl.. maybe Conner for a boy.. but, whatever you want. <3 Collin (:
    I felt my insides twist.. "our baby" it was me and John's baby.. I stood up and walked to the fridge, and saw nothing I wanted. I grabbed my keys and drove to the market, I wanted ice cream. I walked towards the ice cream aisle and chose my ice cream, then I turned to go to the register I bpught my food and left. I was to my car and had put my things in my trunk. I turned around and ran into an all too familiar face. John. He stood smiling and whispered, "Long time no see, whatcha doing in this part of California?" I frowned and said, "I would like to ask you the same question." I repsonded quickly, but so did he, "I've missed you Laura." I cringed at the name I had lied about, Yeah, me too." I meant I missed myself but he took it the wrong way, "Awhh, so do you wanna hook up?" He muttered in a sly voice and I shook my head, "John, I cant." He looked at me with confusion and as I tried to walk around him he grabbed me by the waist and I felt his grip tense up, he pulled me into him and before I could react, his lips were on mine. He bit my lip and pulled away, "Remember this?" He chuckled, "This?" He whispered as he kissed down my jaw. I tried to push him away, but he pulled me closer, "And this Laura?" He mumbled as his lips ran down my neck. I pushed him away again and he just laughed, "You miss it." He moved to my breasts and I was trapped between him and the car. I knew what I had to do to get him away, "Okay John, I'm pregnant?" HE looked at me with disgust and said, "You're what?" Then he shoved me into the car, and left. That night I cried myself to sleep

  3. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2012 6:18pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 32
    Collin's POV
    It was at least a week or 2 into my tour and I really missed Lauren, but it was getting better. Out of no where I heard my name being called. I directed my attention to the sargent who had 2 envelopes in his hand. I walked over, my heart racing and he set them both inside my hand and then walked away. I saw one was from my father and one from Lauren. I opened the one from my dad first and it said things like, I forgive you and that he was proud, then I opened the one from Laur. It read...
    Dear Collin,
    I know its only been a few days since you left, but I miss you to pieces. I am having troubles couping with.. these things. But I have a surprise, I'm pregnant, and I'll probably be in labor before you come home, so lets think baby names. I love you Collin and I cant wait till you come home.. I really.. I just need you right now. Stay safe babe,
    Love, Lauren
    I was overjoyed but one thing that stuck out... what did she have to coupe with... and why?

  4. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    October 26, 2012 7:25pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 31
    Lauren's POV
    I sat on the edge of my bed, as I had for the last 3 days. I had gotton no sleep, no food, no hope. I was pregnant I looked at my wrists, littered with bruises and I tried to keep my eyes open but as they slowly drifted shut I was back to the familiar scene that had been haunting me.
    I sat in his car and he kept glancing at me with a wicked smile plastered on his face, and through my distorted mind I smiled back. He quickly parked the car on the side of the road. It was a truck, the car, on of the ones with a covered tail gate. He turned towards me and said, "Get in the back." I frowned and he held up the bottle of whiskey, "Just for a drink." And so I climbed over the seat, I felt his eyes on my rear. And at the moment it made me feel loved, though it was far from it. He laughed as he too climbed over the seat and took a swig from the bottle then he handed it to me and I drank about half in a few gulps and the alcohol worked its concequences in fast because next thing I knew I was making out with the so called John and within 30 minutes, we weren't clothed.
    I shuttered at the memories with had been flooding my thoughts. I rubbed my stomach amd felt the tears running down my already tear stained face. I mentally killed myself and I screamed and cried until I had finally drifted off to sleep. I woke up 2 mornings later, the fatigue really got to me. And I felt the evil thoughts whispering to me once again. I ran to the desk and ripped a piece of paper form a book. I had to write to Collin.
    Dear Collin,
    I know its only been a few days since you left, but I miss you to pieces. I am having troubles couping with.. these things. But I have a surprise, I'm pregnant, and I'll probably be in labor before you come home, so lets think baby names. I love you Collin and I cant wait till you come home.. I really.. I just need you right now. Stay safe babe,
    Love, Lauren
    It wasn't to far from the truth, but it was most definately
    a lie.

  5. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2012 4:31pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 30
    Lauren's POV
    I walked on the tips of my toes out of the house. I had tears in my eyes. I felt Collin's warm lips on mine and his hot tears on my cheeks. He pulled away and pushed his forehead against mine. "Laur.. Keep safe." I frowned and more tears fell form his face, "Lauren. I love you, and I'm gonna miss you." With that he kissed me again and I felt the tears fall. "I'm gonna miss you too Collin. And you, you keep safe." I saw his lips perk up. "I know.. write me letters, because everyday I'm surviving physically, is a day I'm gonna be dying mentally without you." He pulled me into a hug and I cherished it. It was July, and Collin, was leaving for his tour. I was going to miss him.. I had gotten a part time teaching job.. it was sufficent. I waited in Collin's grip until he loosened and walked to the cab that was to drive him to the airport. Was this love? Yes, I knew it was love, but was this what it was supposed to feel like? Pain. I wanted Collin to stay. I needed him to stay. I really did. I waved as the car drove off and I faked a smile, though I knew Collin could see right through it. He always could. He read me like a book, and I didnt know if I should be happy or sad about that. But it was Collin, and I loved him to pieces. I rested my hand on my stomach and watched the tv. This wasnt gonna be an easy year. It was gonna be hard. No doubt. I stood up and grabbed my car keys, as I was allowed to drive now. I drove to a bar, but it was abar far away. I drove from our home in Sacremento all the way to San diego, and ordered myself a drink. I was a mess, and after a few more drinks, I was a drunk one too. Uh-oh. I looked up through my swollen eyes and I saw a handsome man standing beside me. I dont know why I though he was good looking, I hadnt really looked at anyone the way I had a Collin, but that night.. I saw Collin. The man turned to me, "Rough night?" I smiled slightly, "Yeah, my uh.. someone in my family left for the military today." Yeah.. that wasnt to far frm the truth. He frowned, "Oh, I'm sorry. Hey. If you need to talk, I'm here, I was in the military for the past 3 years, my tour, just ended." I laughed through a drunk mind. "We dont have to talk." He smiled and leaned in close, our lips barely touching, "Like this?" He whispered, laying his mouth on mine. He kissed me roughly, but for some reason, probably my drunkedness, I kissed him back. I pulled away, "Exactly." The man slid the bartender some cash and said, "Get me and my friend some drinks to go please." Teh bartender questioned him what.. and he smiled, "The strongest you've got." He handed him some hardcore whiskey in a bottle.. And then the man grabbed my hand, "What's your name?" I whispered and he laughed, "John. What about you?" I hesitated, "My name is La- uhm Laura." He smiled at me I got into his car. I dont know what I was thinking, "How old are you?" He laughed, "I'm.. uhm.. 20" I smiled, "Me too." I should've seen through that lie. We all know what happened that night. And its something I regret with everything I have. I cheated on Collin. I cheated on my husband, who I loved, the night he left.. for war. And now I was pregnant.. but it wasnt Collin's. It was, "John's."
    Rule #233958984: Lauren Tanner, should never get drunk.
    Sorray!!!!!!!!!!!! HAD TO HAPPENE

  6. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    October 3, 2012 10:18pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 29
    Lauren's POV
    I walked slowly out of the hospital, cheerishing the air. Collin must have noticed because he slowed his pace next to me. I reached for his hand and he gladly accepted it. Everything was perfect, even if Collin did go into the military field, because, everything was perfect. I hopped into the truck and Collin sat in beside me, "So, I was thinking we'd have the wedding in May?" He started as we drove home. I smiled, It was April now, "Cant wait." He laughed and said, "That's all, no huge dress or fancy service?" I laughed at him, "No, all I want is you to be mine forever." HE looked at me for a split second and his eyes told me a story of happiness. "That's what I've always wanted Laur." He whispered. And I blushed, even though he was my fiance. I bit my lip to cover my smile, but I failed as it slipped out. Collin laughed at me. As we approached the house I became confused, "Wasnt that the turn?" I muttered and Collin came back with a simple, "Yeah, but we're not going home. Not right now." I frowned, "Where to?" And Collin shrugged, "I dont know." I slapped his arm and he laughed, "Just wait and see!" I halfsmiled, "I hate surprises, remember." He smiled and whispered, "How could I ever forget." We drove for a while until we came to the military office, "What ar-" I started but Collin cut me off, "Lauren, I signed up like 2 weeks ago, the day of your surgery. And I got in. We are gonna make this work Laur, and its gonna be good. C'mon." He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the car. I felt my eyes tear up but I shooed them away. This was Collin's dream. And everything.. was perfect.
    But lets set the story straight. Perfect. Is overrated.
    Sorray my A/N are so short and dumd and relative.. but I just cant find the time, which I know sounds dumb, but trust me... Please... why did everyone stop reading.. is it boring! GIVE ME IDEAS MA FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanksss alottt!!! :):):):):):) If you do read I LOVE YOU!!! hhHAHAHA cYAYAYA p.s... sorry they're so short!!!!!!!!!! HAhaha

  7. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 6:57pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 28
    Collin's POV
    I ran up the stairs to the military office and hesitated at the door. But I finally walked in. I ended up talking to the guys for 1-2 hours and I had done it. I had applied and got in to the military. I walked out of the building with a date set. The 23 of July, I was going to bootcamp. I had until then to set this up right. I drove to the hospital and walked inside straight to Lauren's room. I met the doctor at the door and he whispered, "Seisure free." I smiled and he patted me on the back. I walked in and sat in an open chair. I grabbed Lauren's cold hand and placed my head againt the bars of the bed. She moved a bit and then I heard her mutter, "Dejavu" I looked up and kissed her forehead, "I missed you." She smiled and shook her head. I laughed and said, "Seisure free." Her smile grew, "For real?" I smiled again and whispered, "For real!" She laughed and rested her head on mine then threw it back, "Ouch, it hurts." I smiled, "Yes, you slept through the last one silly child." She smacked my arm and I smiled. I wasnt going to tell her about the army. I had to make this perfect,

  8. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2012 6:48pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 27
    Collin's POV
    I felt Lauren push into me and I fell into the trap. I opened my mouth and gently slid Lauren's lip between my teeth then slammed my tongue into hers. She pressed her hands against my chest and straddled me in the car and I opened the door, standing out of the car. Lauren pushed into me again, this time moving down my neck, I walked to the front door quickly as she nipped my ear. I felt a moan escape my mouth. She came back to my mouth and licked my lips. At this point we were on my bed and she was underneath me. I then pushed my lips into her hers full force. She half schrieked half moaned. I smiled as I made my way up he soft jaw bone then down her non-existant hairline. I kissed down her neck, leaving few love bites. Lauren threw back her head as I kissed across her collarbone. I reached my hands under her thin cover up dress and lifted it above her head, and kissed her chest again. Lauren slowly took off her bikini and I moved farther down, recieving moans and giggles from Lauren the further I went. Eventually I sat up and she flipped me under her. She pulled down my swin trunks as I pulled my shirt up and over my head.
    I woke up and felt Lauren under my arm. I smiled from ear to ear. She was perfect, I loved her, I did, and I had to go to the military, to regain my father's love. I had too. And Lauren.. I had to do something. Me and her were married, or going to be married soon. The thought of it made me smile. It had been almost a month since Lauren came back, and she was going in for surgery today. Crap. I looked at the clock and realized we had 2 hours. I got up and took a fast shower, then I ran to wake up Lauren. She got up quickly and showered. We met in the kitchen. There was a comfortable silence as we sat eating breakfast. But she spoke first, "I uh, I'm nervous." I frowned and grabbed her hand, "Laur, you're fine! And I'll be right there when you wake up! I promise!" She half smiled as I said, "Oh, time to go." We stood together and I sped to the hospital. We got there just in time and as they wheeled her away she mouthed, "I love you." And I mouthed it back, and for once in my life, I had absolutely no doubt on what I was going to do.

  9. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2012 9:28pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 26
    Lauren's POV
    I glanced down at my hand and smiled uncontrollably. I looked back up and my gaze met Collin's, which was smiling too. I sat up straighter in my seat as I saw our food approaching. We were in the Outback resturant, which I know isnt too fancy, but I loved its food to bits, and Collin knew that. the waitress set a plate with a medium rare steak infront of me, and a similar one infront of Collin. We ate in a comfortable silence, and when we oth finished we made our way back to the car hand in hand. On the drive home Collin finally spoke, "Lauren, what if I did.. you know.. join the army?" I felt my stomach drop, "Collin, if that was what you wanted, I would support you 100% of the way." I forced the words out. I really didnt want him to go, because I was literally. Alone, but I loved him enough to let him follow his dreams and we would cross that bridge when we got there. Collin saw right through me, "Lauren, tell me the truth," I cleared my throat and whispered, "I'd miss you.. that's all. But if you want to go.. go.. I'll be here." At this point, we were in the driveway. Collin pulled out the keys and turned to face me, "Lauren, you actually think I wouldnt miss you." I avoided eye contact and I heard his voice tremble as if he was in tears, "Laur, I lost you for 3 months. And I dont ever want to lose you again! The pain.. the pain is just so enormous, it kills me inside! But Lauren, my father was in the military.. and and.. I lost him! I need to regain my dad, but I cant lose you and I've been fighting this for the past 4 months. Lauren. That day I came to the hospital, I was coming to say goodbye. I've never told anyone that! But its the truth, I was going to sign up for the army that day, but you woke up, and I love you Lauren, I want a family, and I want it with you! But I'm torn! I am freaking ripped in half right now because I need you! You are the other half of my heart! I cant breathe without you next to me, and.. and I need to breathe to be in the army!" I looked up at Collin, tears rolling down my cheeks and I felt his lips against mine. I dont know how they got there, but I wasnt going to pull away.. I had a craving for Collin Tanner.
    Yeah.. weirdddddddddddd

  10. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2012 5:15pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 25
    Collin's POV
    I watched as Lauren's face sank. "'Collin... you need to follow you heart." I felt my cheeks getting warm, "My heart is wherever you are." Lauren came back quickly, "No, Collin, my heart is wherever you are. You go out there, and you follow your dreams, and I will stay here, and wait for you to come home. I will always love you Collin. No matter where you are, or how far apart we are. We're always this close." And she leaned in close and hugged me and whispered in my ear, "Always, this close." I felt the tears stream down my face as she pulled away. I quickly stood up and whispered, "One second." I ran back to the car and grabbed a box from the glovebox, then ran back to Lauren, "Laur, I was gonna wait until after dinner but..." I pulled out the box from behind my back and auren looked as if she was frozen in time, "Lauren Murphy, would you please, be my wife." Was all I could muster out. Lauren blinked and I saw tears in her eyes. "Ye--Yes.. Collin, Yes." She fell back into my arms and started to cry, "Why are you crying?" I chuckled out and she mumbled to me, "I'm so happy! I've only ever dreamed of this day.. Collin, I love you." I couldnt help but to smile. "I love you too." We sat in silence for the longest time. But it was a comfortable silence, and I cheerished it. I squeezed my arm around Lauren and she smiled up at me. And at that moment, I felt genuinely happy, like nothing could go wrong. I stood up in the beautiful sunset and pulled Lauren up with me, "Let's go to dinner" She smiled and pressed her cheek against my chest, "Okay." She whispered and grabbed onto my arm as I walked to the car. She hopped into the truck and I got in beside her. I saw the glint on her diammond ring and it made my heart pound. She was mine. Lauren was mine. And it was the best feeling on Earth. My dream, since I was a kid was the army. I needed to follow my dream.. but who knew following a dream.. could hurt so much.
    Yeah.. this one is kinda short.. sraaaaoooyyy

  11. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2012 6:06pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 24
    Lauren's POV
    I walked into the small closet in my room. All of my clothes were there. And a small dresser was full too. It wasnt exactly a small room. It was rather large actually. I changed into a bikini and pulled on a short dress. It was a pinkish orangish color. I slid on sandals and walked into the kitchen. I saw Collin sitting at the table. He had swim trunks and a white shirt on. I smiled as he stood and whispered, "You're gorgeous." I laughed and shook my head. Collin extended his hand and I gently placed mine in his. He jerked me towards him so that I was against his chest. He smiled and kissed me. It sent chills down my spine and sparked a fire in my heart. Was this love? He slowly pulled away and I bit my bottom lip to disguise my smile. Epic. Fail. Collin led me to the car and then we drove to beach. On the way there Collin became serious, "Did you take you meds?" I smiled at him, "Yes." He halfsmiled and said, "Good. The doctor said, as long that you take them, you'll be seisure free. At least until they can operate again.." I gulped, "Again..?" Collin didnt make eye contact with me, he kept his gaze on the road but he grabbed my hand and whispered, "Lauren. It'll be okay I promise." I felt tears of fear in my eyes but Collin quickly shooed them away, "Okay." I barely whispered. I saw him smile and say, "Just, just remember to take them. Let's talk about school. You have like 2 more months.. Are you up to it?" I shook my head and he frowned. "Me neither, but I signed up for classes at the college here in town. I was accepted.." I felt a smile creep onto my face, "Really?! Yay Collin! What are you going to study?" I saw him laugh a bit before he said, "Well.. I dont really know.. I signed up to be a paramedic.. but thats not what I really wanted to do.. I just need the money." I frowned, "Well... What do you want to do?" There was a long pause. I was about to ask again but Collin pulled into a parking spot and jumped out of the car, "We're here!" He screamed making my laugh. He ran around to the other side of the car and lifted me out. He carried me to beach and took off his shirt. Revealing a 6-pack, which I had forgot he had. I pulled off my dress and my body was gross. Bruises from the car crash littered my waist. Collin, who obviously forgotton walked slowly towards me, carressing the bruises. I saw tears in his eyes but he quickly kissed my cheek and slid me into his arms and started to wade into the ocean, "Stop Collin! You know I cant swim!" I shriked the deeper the water got. Collin stopped walking and said, "Lauren. I've got you." The words soothed my heart but I still shuddered when he started to walk again. I dug my face into his shoulder as the water got to my chest, which was to Collin's chest too, as he was still holding me. I looked at him and he smiled, "See. We're okay." I halfsmiled and mumbled out, "Its cold." He laughed and said, "Yes it is." But he leaned in and kissed me gently and when he pulled away, he asked, "Did you feel the sparks?" I smiled and whispered, "Yes." He laughed and said, "Me too." Then kissed me again. I changed my position so that my legs were wrapped firmly around Collins torso and my hands were cupping his face. He had one hand placed tightly against my back, keeping me from falling. And he had one hand under my right thigh. He pulled me against him and bit my lip. I felt my tongue slide into his mouth. We were making out for a bit until he started to kiss up my jawline, he moved gently to my behind my ear and I could help but to moan in pleasure. I felt him smile as he kissed it continually, making a love bite. I threw my head back and he kissed slowly down my neck. I grinned as he made his way back up to my face. He kissed my chin and then back to my mouth. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and I liked it. I pushed my hands to his chest and then greedily pushed my lips into his. Collin pulled away and was breathing heavily, "I love you Lauren." I smiled, gasping for air, "I love you too." This time Collin pulled me into a hug. He stood there in the water, with me in his arms for a long time. And when he eventually pulled away, he carried me back to the shoreline. I pulled on my dress and Collin kept his shirt off. We sat on the hot sand and watched the sun set.. I reached for his hand and he instantly grabbed it. I felt my heart smile as I layed my head on his shoulder. Then I remembered, "What do you want to be Collin?" There was another silence before he said, "Laur, I want to be in the army.." I frowned and said, "Well why not?" He frowned to the point of tears and said, "Because I could never leave you alone."

  12. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2012 7:24pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 5:49pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 22
    Collin's POV
    I quickly looked up at her and whispered, "Oh, well, it wasnt exactly fun.." She frowned and said, "When you did come?" I halfsmiled, "Laur, I came everyday after school, and visited you." Her jaw dropped and I laughed a bit, "Collin, what did you do every single day for 3 months?" I looked down at the noodles I was stirring then up at her, "I uh, I brought my homework with me, and I talked to you everyday, as if.. you were awake.. I even asked you for help on my math some.. I felt like you could hear me.. and I thought maybe... I could hear you.." Lauren smiled and said, "That must have been hard to do.." I smiled and said, "It became routine, I brought you gifts for Christmas, from friends, I brought you gifts on you're birthday, I would check out your favorite books on the weekends, and Uh, I would read them to you." She frowned, "What about your friends?" I smirked, "They werent as important, and the only one that was, found new friends." She mouthed 'Josh' and I nodded my head. She frowned again. "What did you get me for my birthday?" I shrugged and said, "A necklace." Her head shot down and she saw the gold necklace she had been wearing. It was an infinity sign, it was covered in diamonds and on the back it was engraved, 'Lauren and Collin'... She looked up at me, "I had it specially made.. I wanted it to symbolize, I would always be there for you.." She smiled ear to ear, "I love it." I smiled back, "I'm glad." She laughed and said, "What about Christmas?" I laughed and whistled. A tan colored maltese ran around the corner barking. I smiled as Lauren fell to the floor screaming, "Collin Tanner, you did not." I smiled even bigger, "Oh but I did.." She stood up and hugged me tighter than ever before, "What'd you name it?" I smiled and said, "I named him Max.. Its not very original bu-" Lauren cut me off, "BUT I love it" I smiled and she laughed at me, "Thank you Collin, I've always wanted a dog." I smiled and whispered, "I know.. And You're welcome, you deserve him.." She smiled and kissed me quick, sitting back down with the small dog in her lap. She looked up again, "So on with the story. Why did you keep coming back?" I halfsmiled, "Lauren, the last thing you said to me was, 'Collin Tanner, love is a strong word, talk to me when you figure out what it means..'" Lauren frowned and I kept going, "Lauren, I figured it out, I figured out what love meant as soon as the car collided with yours. You know why?" She shook her head and I went on, "Because part of me broke. I didnt realize until maybe a week later that it was love, but when I did, I drove straight to the hospital. I ran into your room and for 2 hours I explained to your unconcious self what ove was, and how mjuch I needed you and how much I loved you... Lauren that day.. was the worst day.. You know what the nurses did? The offered me 'happy pills' cuz they thought you weren't gonna wake up, and I was talking to a dead body because I was depressed. Laur everyone doubted it except me, I knew you were there. I could.. I knew I could hear you. I knew I could! Please tell me I'm not crazy." I saw a tear float down her cheek as she said, "You're not crazy." I drained the noodles and got the cheese packet. I started talking again, "I waited by your bed everyday from 4 to 9. I waited for you to wake up Laur. Everyday, and you never.." I felt my eyes tear up, "You never did.." I heard Lauren speak, "But I did, and I'm here now, and all that waiting paid off. I am so sorry Collin, I never.. I didnt realize.." I waited for her to drain out her thoughts as I poured the food into 2 bowls. "Lauren, its alright, I promise." And I carried the bowls to the table. Lauren followed close behind and sat down next to me. At the end of the meal I walked to the cabinet and brought the pill bottle to the table, "Lauren, these are your meds, 2 a day, I have to go to work in the morning, so you'll have to remember to take it tomorrow morning, okay?" She smirked at me, "Ok dad." I frowned, "I just want you to be safe Laur. I.. " I trailed off and she looked confused, "You what Collin?" I frowned, "I cant lose you again!" I yelled under my breath. Lauren stood up and pressed herself against me, "You're never going to lose me again." I felt tears in my eyes but Lauren quickly ushered them away, she pushed herself into me, and we kissed. The kiss was heated from the start, and it continued to escalate. Lauren bit my lip and I rested my hands on her hips. But, I pulled away. Lauren deserved better. She just woke up from a coma. Lauren realized what I was doing and whispered, "Thanks.." I kissed her once again and whispered, "I love you Laur. Never forget," She smiled, "You barely give me time TO forget, I love you too. Goodnight." And she walked out of the kitchen to her room. I SMiled as I cleaned up the kitchen, Lauren was mine, well, technically she wasnt, yet.
    PUPPY!!!! :http://jewelryanimal.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Cute-little-dog.jpg

  14. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 4:58pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 21
    Collin's POV
    I had just kissed Lauren and everything seemed okay, but she stared to shake and my stomach lunged. I started to whisper "Laur, Lauren baby, it's okay." And I pulled her into a frontwards position so she wouldnt choke. I felt tears slide down my warm cheeks as I held Lauren's jerking body. After about 5 minutes she stopped and I felt her breathing calm down. I flipped her back into the seat and looked into her eyes, "Collin.." She whispered and I nodded my head as she went on, "I want it to stop. Promise me it'll stop" I felt my heart stop, "I cant" I muttered, my voice cracking. And Lauren's eyes grew big and teared up, "Collin, promise I will be safe." I felt my tears fall faster, "I promise I'll keep you safe Lauren. I promise." And she threw herself into my arms, "I want it to stop." I cried with her for a long time until I finally found the will to drive to the pharmacy, to pick up Lauren's prescription. After that, home. To my home. I had told Lauren that I was kicked out because of Football, but that was only part of the story, my dad had noticed my grades dropping and told me quote on quote, "Son, you will stop seeing Lauren's dead body and study. Or you will move out and live for your own rules. I will not house a failure." It had broken my heart, and I moved out, I couldn't give up on Lauren, I was all she had left, no matter she had hated me or not. I kept going to school and such, and I improved my grades, knowing I would need the education. I visited Lauren everyday after school and talked to her, asking her for help with Math, like I had all those times at the library. She never actually talked back, but it was like I could hear her.. Everyday before I whispered, "I love you." hoping she would somehow hear me too.. I bought myself an apartment, it was a nice one too, it was right along the ocean, beautiful view, and cheap too. I was going along fine, except for.. Lauren, with out her around, everything was awful, and dull. It wasnt until one day when Nick and his girlfriend left together and I flashed back the memory, "She's perfect for you." It wsant until that day, I finally realized I needed her. I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel as my brain dazed in and out of the memories.. When I finally pulled into the driveway Lauren was asleep. This may sound odd, but when she acts silly, or when she's sleeping or even when she's seisuring, she is the most beautiful person I have ever met. I smiled at her and quietly opened the car door. I carried the boxes into the building, coming back frequently to check on Lauren. When I finally carried the last box in, I came back out for Lauren. I lifted her gently out of the car and silently closed the door. I walked up to the already opened door and carried her to a small room, setting her gently on the bed. I made sure she was on her side, so she wouldnt choke if she did happen to have a seisure. I left the door open just in case too. I walked into the kitchen and looked around. My Baskin Robins shirt was drapped over a chair, but other than that, the house was fairly clean. I enter the cooking area and started to make dinner, which consisted of Mac n" Cheese, which I knew was Lauren's favorite. I walked to the table and picked up her capsle of pills, which I had recently got from Walgreens. It said 2 a day, and the doctor told me she had had one this morning. I set them in the cabinent, next to the pills I had to take for my cuncussion, but they were almost out, and after I finished them, I didnt have to take more unless prescribed. I twisted the cap and shook two out into the palm of my hand. I took them silently and walk back over to the stove. Maybe 10 minutes later Lauren walked quietly into the kitchen, "Hey sleepy head." I said through a laugh and she smiled, "Yeah, I was tired alright.. even though.. I've been sleeping for 3 months.." She started to laugh and I smiled, "I missed your laugh." She blushed and sat down at the counter across from the stove, "Collin how was it..?" I frowned, "How was what?" She cleared her throat and asked again,
    "Why did you wait for me?"
    :(Anotha chapta???????????

  15. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2012 12:54pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 20
    Lauren's POV
    I had just walked out of the bathroom when Collin walked in, "Goodmorning Beautiful." He whispered at me. I smiled, recently I had gotten a haircut at the hospital, because of the surgery they had on my brain, they had shaved part of my head, and I just let them shave off half of it. Now I looked like... Skrillex, or Cher Lloyed... and I liked it, and Collin seemed to also. I looked up into his eyes, they seemed different now, worried. They werent happy, they were worried. BUt oddly enough, still strikingly beautiful. "Goodmorning." I muttered through my dry throat. Collin smiled at me which must have taken a huge effort, poor Collin. Collin. He waited 3 months for me to wake up. 3 months. So much had happened too. My parents.. were gone. And I was 18, I could live on my own. Collin was, he had told me, his dad kicked him out because he ran away from that Football game, I couldnt believe it, yet, I could. Everything these days, seemed like a dream, somedays though, were nightmares. I walked slowly towards Collin who was picking up the final box of gifts I had recieved. I was still recovering from minor abdomen injuries, but my brain, would never recover. I started to walked to the door when Collin grabbed my hand and whispered, "Let's go home." I felt warmth in my heart as we walked out of the hospital, hand in hand. I sat down in the car as Collin set the box in the trunk of his truck. When he got in he kissed me, and said, "I love you Lauren." I smiled and whispered back, "I love you too." That was when I had my 2.. no, 11th seisure.
    :( sorrraayyy its sopooooooo shortttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I think they're gonna be shorter now so that the story can be longer (: Tell me whatYOU thinkersssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(: <3 YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2012 8:58pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 19
    Collin's POV
    I had just walked out of Lauren's room and looked through the window, she slid the ring onto her finger and I smiled. I wiped my tears and genuinely smiled. Then she started to shake, I felt a scream escape my mouth as her mouth started to foam. This is what the doctors where saying. They were saying she had developed a rare form of epilepsy in the accident.. and it was causing her seisures, this was her 10th, though to her it was her first. Lauren had been in a coma. A coma for 3 months. It was around March. Her birthday past, she was 18. But in her mind, she was 17. Some time in December, her family was run off the road. Her mom and dad didnt make it, the last thing her father told me was, "Take care of her." I desperately wanted to tell him that she hated me, but I couldn't find the nerve. Skyler's parents offered to take her in, but I thought it would be best to let her decide. We waited, and waited for her to wake up, and others gave up. I waited 3 months. I had kept the ring in my pocket for 3 months, and everyday I thought about the last thing she had said to me, 'Love is a strong word. Talk to me when you know what it means.' I had 3 months to think about it, but it only took 1 day for me to realize love was what me and Lauren had. Everyday, I came to the hospital and checked in to see if she had woken up. I had started to lose hope. And I was going to give up. But today, I had a feeling, and I came in. The nurse saw me and a smiled arose on her usually blank face, "She's up" She whispered. I nearly fainted. I started to back up then ran straight to Lauren's room. When I walked in, I noticed few things. One, her blankets had moved, two, her water which was refilled everyday was gone, and three, she was breathing different. It wasnt sharp and shallow anymore, it was deep, and comforting. I broke down into tears and threw my head into my hands, when she grabbed my hands, my heart stopped all together. And I stared at her, savoring the moment. I fell in love again. And seeing her right now, seisuring, again. Made my heart break, again. For the thousandth time. I fiddled with my fingers until the doctor exited the room. He turned to me, "Son, she wont listen to me. She says she only trusts you. You have to tell her about the coma, now, you can take her home, here is a prescription, for her seisures. It should keep them to a minimum.. if they occur more than 3 times a day, come in and we'll check her out. Uhmm.. hmmm.. No driving, ever. Never leave her alone. If she has a seisure make sure her head is upright so she doesnt choke.. This is a 24 hour job Collin." I half smiled.. "I know.. I love her" I turned and placed my hand on the glass. I walked in quietly and she smiled at me. I sat at the edge of her bed and started to speak, "Lauren... Tell me the date." She smiled and said, "Its December 3 2012. silly goose." I halfsmiled and said, "Lauren.. Today is March 12, 2013. You've been in a coma since December 3, 2012." She blinked and her jaw dropped... "Collin.." I shhushed her and said, "Lauren, you formed a rare disease, epilepsy, you have seisures now." She started to shake her head and I continued, "And the reason I'm here and not your mom and dad.. is.. is.." I felt tears running down my cheeks. "Lauren, you're parents passed away." I reached for her hand but instead of holding my hand she pulled me towards her. I lay next to her in the hospital bed, my arm tightly around her shaking body and she rested her head on my shoulder, sobbing. "Collin, you cant leave." I looked down into her eyes and whispered, "I'm not going anywhere." I wrapped my hand around hers and squeezed, "I promise, I'm not going anywhere." She smiled a bit and then started to bawl again. I tightened my grasp on her and kissed her head. "It's okay Lauren, I'm not going anywhere. Its okay, you'll always have me. I'm always here. It's alright, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered over and over until her heavy breathing calmed down. I had to make this right. For Lauren.
    :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHWHWHWWWHWHHWW!

  17. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2012 8:52pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 19
    Collin's POV
    I had just walked out of Lauren's room and looked through the window, she slid the ring onto her finger and I smiled. I wiped my tears and genuinely smiled. Then she started to shake, I felt a scream escape my mouth as her mouth started to foam. This is what the doctors where saying. They were saying she had developed a rare form of epilepsy in the accident.. and it was causing her seisures, this was her 10th, though to her it was her first. Lauren had been in a coma. A coma for 3 months. It was around March. Her birthday past, she was 18. But in her mind, she was 17. Some time in December, her family was run off the road. Her mom and dad didnt make it, the last thing her father told me was, "Take care of her." I desperately wanted to tell him that she hated me, but I couldn't find the nerve. Skyler's parents offered to take her in, but I thought it would be best to let her decide. We waited, and waited for her to wake up, and others gave up. I waited 3 months. I had kept the ring in my pocket for 3 months, and everyday I thought about the last thing she had said to me, 'Love is a strong word. Talk to me when you know what it means.' I had 3 months to think about it, but it only took 1 day for me to realize love was what me and Lauren had. Everyday, I came to the hospital and checked in to see if she had woken up. I had started to lose hope. And I was going to give up. But today, I had a feeling, and I came in. The nurse saw me and a smiled arose on her usually blank face, "She's up" She whispered. I nearly fainted. I started to back up then ran straight to Lauren's room. When I walked in, I noticed few things. One, her blankets had moved, two, her water which was refilled everyday was gone, and three, she was breathing different. It wasnt sharp and shallow anymore, it was deep, and comforting. I broke down into tears and threw my head into my hands, when she grabbed my hands, my heart stopped all together. And I stared at her, savoring the moment. I fell in love again. And seeing her right now, seisuring, again. Made my heart break, again. For the thousandth time. I fiddled with my fingers until the doctor exited the room. He turned to me, "Son, she wont listen to me. She says she only trusts you. You have to tell her about the coma, now, you can take her home, here is a prescription, for her seisures. It should keep them to a minimum.. if they occur more than 3 times a day, come in and we'll check her out. Uhmm.. hmmm.. No driving, ever. Never leave her alone. If she has a seisure make sure her head is upright so she doesnt choke.. This is a 24 hour job Collin." I half smiled.. "I know.. I love her" I turned and placed my hand on the glass. I walked in quietly and she smiled at me. I sat at the edge of her bed and started to speak, "Lauren... Tell me the date." She smiled and said, "Its December 3 2012. silly goose." I halfsmiled and said, "Lauren.. Today is March 12, 2013. You've been in a coma since December 3, 2012." She blinked and her jaw dropped... "Collin.." I shhushed her and said, "Lauren, you formed a rare disease, epilepsy, you have seisures now." She started to shake her head and I continued, "And the reason I'm here and not your mom and dad.. is.. is.." I felt tears running down my cheeks. "Lauren, you're parents passed away." I reached for her hand but instead of holding my hand she pulled me towards her. I lay next to her in the hospital bed, my arm tightly around her shaking body and she rested her head on my shoulder, sobbing. "Collin, you cant leave." I looked down into her eyes and whispered, "I'm not going anywhere." I wrapped my hand around hers and squeezed, "I promise, I'm not going anywhere." She smiled a bit and then started to bawl again. I tightened my grasp on her and kissed her head. "It's okay Lauren, I'm not going anywhere. Its okay, you'll always have me. I'm always here. It's alright, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered over and over until her heavy breathing calmed down. I had to make this right. For Lauren.
    :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWHWHWHWWWHWHHWW!

  18. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 22, 2012 2:48pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 18
    Lauren's POV
    I woke up in a hospital room. I felt pain in my stomach. I felt pain in my head. I felt pain in my heart. The last thing I remembered was Collin screaming my name. I dont know how I heard it throught the window, he must have screamed at the top of his lungs. I felt the tears blur my eyes and I heard the windows break. Crash. And now I'm in a hospital. I looked around and saw several vases of flowers. I saw a few stuffed animals and baskets of sweets. I looked at the table infront of me and saw water, I reached for it realizing my thirst. I sat still for a while and gently fell asleep. When I woke up again I saw Collin at the bedside. He had his head in his hands and I saw tear stains down the front of his shirt. I reached over and grabbed his warm hand in my cold one. He jerked his head up and just stared into my eyes. We didnt speak, we sat in silence. I saw his swollen eyes and I could see fear in his eyes. I felt my emotions tear apart, I felt my eyes watering and I took a deep breath. I felt Collin's grasp on my hand tighten. And for that moment, I felt safe, like no one could hurt me. Collin was the only person that made me feel special, and safe. And I couldnt lose him again. I gently whispered, "I forgive you." Collin looked down and said, "Dont forgive me Lauren" I felt my heart crying and I whispered, "I love you. I need you Collin." I saw faint hope in his eyes and he mumbled, "I-I-i" he broke down crying. I felt tears of my own stream down my face. And he calmed himself down, "I love you Lauren, but I cant hurt you again." I frowned and said, "You wont Collin, we need each other. We need this, and this is what we need, we have to make it work." Collin stood up and leaned over me, lifting my upper body into his, "I love you Lauren." and I barely had time to whisper, "I love you too" before he pushed his lips onto mine. I felt his tears on my cheeks and I felt his grip loosen and I felt him pull away and then push into me again. I wanted that moment forever, but he pulled away for good a minute later. I felt a smile creep onto my face and I saw one appear on Collin's face. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object. He grabbed my hand enclosing it inside, and left the room without a word. I opened my hand and smiled from ear to ear. I slid the ring onto my finger and folded my hands neatly in my lap. That was when I had my very first seisure.
    :))))))))))))))))))))))) EKKKKERSSSS.. fozizzleeee!(:(:(:(:(:(:):):(:(:(:(:(:((::

  19. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2012 7:42pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 17
    Collin's POV
    I watched silently as Lauren rolled down the window. When I clearly saw her face my heart stopped. Her normally blue eyes were red and swollen, as if she hadnt stopped crying all week. Hr lips were a dark red, chaped.. I saw pain, in her face, and I knew I was 100% responsible,
    "Laur I wa-" She cut me off and said, "My name is Lauren." I stopped and took a deep breath, keeping tears from falling. "Lauren. I want you to know I talked to Josh." She smiled the best fake smiled I had ever seen, "Oh.. and what'd he have to say?" I felt the pain of the irony drive into my heart. "He said he was drunk.. and kissed you... he forced you to kiss him." I saw her pretend to look confused and she said, "Whoa, is it just me or does that sound, like, exactly what I said.." I frowned, "Lauren I know I made a mistake. I should have trusted you." She stopped me and said, "Should have." I grimaced and whispered, "Look Lauren, I know you hate me. But I miss you." I felt tears form in my eyes, "Lauren, I spent the last week realizing, I spent 17 years of my life, trying to understand and make you mine. And I finally, fiinally had you, and.. I made a mistake. One massive, massive mistake... Lauren, I dont want you to forgive me. I want you to love me! Because I love y-" She cut me off, "Collin Tanner, Love is a strong word. Talk to me when you know what it means." And she rolled up her window, backing out and then driving away. I felt the tears fall down my face. I heard myself scream. I saw the car coming. Did Lauren?
    :))))))))))))))))))))))) EKKKKERSSSS.. fozizzleeee!(:(:(:(:(:(:):):(:(:(:(:(:((::

  20. OnOffStories OnOffStories
    posted a quote
    September 21, 2012 7:29pm UTC
    Words Left Unspoken
    Chapter 16
    Lauren's POV
    I layed on my bed as my phone buzzed again, for the thousandth time. I saw the name 'Collin' AGAIn and trew the phone at the wall, as my heart lurched again. I knew this would happen, and it wasnt even my fault! I didnt want to blame Josh, but it was totally his fault! I heard my phone buzz again and I put my earbuds in. I didnt need Collin's nonsense, he should have trusted me. I thought I loved him. No, I did love him. I still love him. But love is overrated. I looked up at the indigo blue dress I had worn that day a week ago to the dance. I grimaced as I noticed for the hundreth time, the mascara tear stains on it. I felt my eyes tear up at the thought of Collin's face. He was so angry, I had never seen the look he had before that night, it was the first time I had ever felt afraid of him. But I loved him, and he was all that was on my mind. I had done a good job of avoiding him at school, and I was just about to go to the library. I grabbed my keys and looked down at my phone lying on the ground, the screen lit up and said Collin again. I looked away and took a deep breth before walking down the stairs to my car. I threw my bag in the passenger side seat and started the car. I drove to the library and my breathing sharpened as I saw the truck parked in the lot. I completely stopped my car when I saw Collin exit the car. My heart stopped and by the time I realized I was blocking traffic, it was too late to leave, Collin had seen me. I drove into a parking spot and waited for him to walk away. But he didnt. He stood in the middle of the parking lot and stared at my car, like he knew I was watching him. I looked down at my hands and when I looked back up he was gone. I took an deep breath and imediately lost it when I heard a tap on the window. I looked up and saw Collin's eyes looking down at me. I locked the car and saw his emotion change. He started to speak and I barely heard him, I morioned to him that I hadnt heard him and he put his hands in his pocket. He looked down the up and motioned for me to roll down the window. I shook my head and he pleaded by pretending to pray. I decided to give him a chance. So I rolled down the window.
    :))))))))))))))))))))))) aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... oOAJAOJAOAJDXHNANHFDISUFG


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