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Member Since: 5 Sep 2013 09:03am

Last Seen: 31 Oct 2013 12:42pm

Gender: F

user id: 370938

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I'm Kristina and I'm fourteen years old (:

I've always been told that I'm thin now, but it's not going to last forever..
And it might be true, but it made me feel like complete crap and I started hating my body and not wanting to eat anything.

BUT, I love food a LOT. I think it's a very important part of life, I think someone who doesn't eat well will have that affect their mood considerably.

On September 4TH, 2013, I decided to make a change.
I decided that I'd work to keep and enhance my body to what makes me happy.
So on this witty I'll be posting my favourite healthy foods and recipes, my daily exercises, motivation, and a daily diary INCLUDING the times I let myself go.

I'm not working on my body only, I'm also working on clearing my skin and just generally feeling comfortable in my own skin (:

I'm also here to help you guys, so if you have any questions/requests or anything of that sort, just ask (:

I don't go to the gym, so this is all at home with NO EQUIPMENT needed! (:
  1. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 14, 2013 5:06pm UTC
    You will enjoy this.
    You will find the blood and pain release addictive.
    Even though you think you can make a few tiny cuts that aren’t deep,
    And will heal easily …
    They will get deeper.
    They will scar.
    They will sometimes take months to heal.
    And years for the scars to fade.
    If you think you can limit the cutting to one area of your body,
    Think again…
    It will spread when you run out of skin.
    Be prepared to withdraw from others and live in a constant state of shame.
    Even if you are the most honest person ever to live ….
    You will find yourself lying to the people you love.
    You will jerk back from your friends when they touch you as if their hands were dipped in poison.
    You will be terrified that they will feel something under the cloth
    of your shirt, or because it just plain hurts so much to be touched.
    Be prepared to get so out of control you fear your next cut because you don’t know how bad it will be.
    Just wait for 10 cuts to turn into 100….Be prepared for your
    entire life to revolve around thinking about cutting ..cutting and
    covering up cutting.
    And just wait till that first time you cut “too deep.”
    And you freak out because the blood won’t stop…
    And you are gasping….
    And you feel yourself shaking all over.
    You are having a panic attack and you are terrified but you can’t
    tell anyone.
    So you sit there alone…
    Praying it will be ok swearing you’ll never let it go this far
    But you will, and further.
    Don’t worry, you will learn how to take care of your cuts so that
    you can go deeper and deeper and avoid the ER.
    And the better you get at treating your cuts the deeper they get.
    You will lie to yourself and justify it when you find youself
    spending 20, 30 or 50 dollars every time you go the pharmacy.
    You will feel the flutter of your heartbeat everytime you go to the
    counter to ring up your order.
    Butterfly strips…
    3 or four different kinds of dressings…
    Antibiotic cream..
    Medical tape..
    Scar reducers…..
    You will tap your foot impatiently hoping the line will just move
    and no one will stare at you or wonder why you need all these things.
    And at the same time secretly hope someone will notice…
    Someone who is standing in line with an armful of the same
    Someone who understands but of course that never happens.
    Medical supplies won’t be the only thing you spend all your money on.
    Be prepared to buy a new wardrobe…
    Longsleeve shirts in summer colors, bracelets, wristbands, boots… gloves.. the list goes on and on.
    You will start looking at everyone in a different way…
    Scanning their bodies for any signs of SI…
    Just hoping that you might meet someone like you so you don’t feel so terribly alone.
    You wont even think about it ..
    As your eyes scan their wrists + arms…
    Hoping just hoping they will be like you….
    But they are not.
    You will see their clean arms and feel terribly ashamed and alone.
    You will start doing a lot of things alone.
    You will always have to wash your laundry in private so know one sees the blood stains on your clothes and towels.
    You will always be cleaning up the blood..
    Scrubbing your bathroom floor…
    Wiping the blood of your keyboard…
    You won’t be able to make it through a day without cutting….
    Next thing you know you are in a public bathroom somewhere breaking open a scab with a sewing needle that you keep in your wallet for emergencies.
    When you get really desperate anything will be a cutting
    tool …scissors…a car key…a needle … a paperclip..even a pen.
    Doesn’t matter what it is if you need to cut bad enough you will
    find something.
    Say goodbye to things you took for granted.
    Like wearing shorts or sandals…pedicures…sleeveless tops. A
    normal summer day at the beach or in a swimming pool will become a far off memory for you.
    Get ready to itch.
    Because you will itch and itch …”so much you will look like you
    have fleas or a skin disease.”
    You will become an expert on your body as you destroy it carefully..
    You will dream about cutting…
    you will dream about being exposed.
    It will haunt you day and night and take over your life. You will
    wish you never made that first cut because while you absolutely hate cutting…
    At the same time, you love it and can’t live with out it…
    It’s too late for me

  2. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 5:44am UTC
    Do 40 single leg pulses in each leg, and immediately after, to 25 burpees

  3. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 12:50pm UTC
    Right now, there is a kid finishing Parent's Evening,
    in the heat of a discussion with his mother.
    Asking why he would have to study subjects he would never,
    ever use in his life?
    And she will look at him, blank-eyed,
    let out a sigh, think for a second - and then lie.
    She will say something along the lines of ..
    "You know to get a god job, you need a good degree; and these subjects will help you to get a good degree. We never had these opportunities when I was younger."
    And he will reply:
    "But you were young a long time ago - weren't you, mum?"
    And she won't respond;
    although what he implies makes perfect sense:
    That society's needs would've changed since she was sixteen.
    But she will ignore him, grip his hand more sternly, and drag him to the car.
    But what she doesn't know; is that she didn't ignore him, just to shut him up.
    She didn't lie because they were just returning from Parent's Evening, and an argument on the hallway would look bad on her resumee.
    She won't lie because she just spent the last one hour convincing a stern-faced teacher that she will ensure that her child studies more at home.
    She will lie, simply because she doesn't know any better herself.
    Although her entire adult life, she has never used or applied a pythagram therom, perfected fallacy, and still does not know the value of x.
    She will rely on society, to tell her that her child, who has one of the sharpest minds in the school, is hyperactive, unfocused, easily distracted, and dead weight.
    How many equations, subjects and phases did you memorise just before an exam - never to use again?
    How many A grades did you get, which were never helpful when you applied for a job?
    How many times have you remembered something, just five minutes after the teacher said 'stop writing', only to receive your results one month later, to realise you were only one mark short of the top grade?
    Does that mean remembering five minutes earlier, would've made you more qualified for a particular job?
    Well, on an application form, it would've.
    We all have different abilities, processes, experiences and genes; so why is a class full of individuals tested by the same means?
    So does that mean Shantel must be dumb, just because she couldn't do a couple of sums?
    And if this issue is not addressed properly; it then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; that every school has the audacity to have a policy on equality.
    Hah, the irony.
    Exams are society's methods of telling you what you are worth.
    But you can't let society tell you what you are, 'cause this is the same society that tells you that abortion is wrong - but then looks down on teenage parents.
    The same society that sells products to promote natural hair, looks, and a smooth completion - with the model on the box half-photoshopped, and has fake lashes, and hair extentions.
    With pastors that preach charity, but own private jets.
    Parents that say they want, "educated kids", but constantly marvel at how rich Richard Braxton is.
    With governments that preach peace, but endorse wars.
    That say that they believe so much in the importance of high education; and further learning..
    Then why increase tuition fees every single year?
    I believed Miss Jefferson, when she sat me in her office and told me that exams would be imperative to my success.
    And we were told to always follow what Miss Jefferson led;
    but then I took Jefferson out of the equation, and learnt to think for myself.
    I realised we were told to always follow what misled.
    Test us with tests, but the finals are never final.
    'Cause they never prepare us for the biggest test, which is survival.
    And what I suggest is fairly outlying;
    so I don't expect everyone to understand this,
    except for the kids who know what it feels like, to be worth no more than that D or that A that you get on results day.
    And the one who's best stories were never good enough for the english teacher;
    'cause apparently you missed out "key-literal" techniques, did not follow the class plan, and the language was too informal for him to understand.
    But then he'd reference Hamlet & McBeth, and you'd fight the urge to express your contempt, by partially clenching your fist, with only you medius finger left protruding in the middle of your hand.
    Then ask if he was aware that Shakespeare was known as the innovator of slang.
    Or, the kid in the back of the class, who thinks
    'Why am I studying something that feed my drive', but then when confronted with a mass problem his eyes come alive.
    So this is one for my generation:
    the ones who found what they were looking for on google;
    the ones who followed their dreams on twitter;
    pictured their future on instagram;
    accepted destiny on facebook.
    This one's for my failures and my drop-outs, for my unemployed graduates, my shop assistants; cleaners and chashiers with bigger dreams.
    My self-employed entrepeneurs;
    my world-changers and my dream-chasers;
    Because the purpose of why I hate school but love education, was not to initiate a world-wide debate, but to let them know that whether a seventy-two, or an eighty-eight, fourty-four, or sixty-eight,
    We will not let exam results decide our fate.

  4. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 2:04pm UTC
    Commercial Workout
    Every time there is a makeup advertisement:
    10 Jump Squats.
    Every time there is a department store advertisement:
    (10 Reps per leg) Single leg lifts
    Every time there is an electronic ad:
    (20 Reps per leg) Single leg lift pulses
    Every time there is a TV show ad:
    (20 second) static squat
    Every time there is a movie ad:
    10 crunches.

  5. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 4:14am UTC
    Witty Bootcamp
    If you'd like to post about your workouts or some sort of food diary but want to do it in a quote tag it with wittybootcampenhance and I'll see it! (:
    Snack of the day
    Sandwich time!
    I love sandwiches SO much, I just cant go without them.
    I really really love goat cheese. A LOT. But it can be pricey so I don't get to have it a lot..
    When I get to, though, I treat myself to a nice wholewheat bagel with some goatcheese and grilled red bell peppers (which i usually hate), and just take it to school or have it at home. It really makes me happy.. (total food addict)
    What TV shows do most of you watch? I'm thinking about setting up a workout for some tv shows that you can do whilst watching them (:
    "Strive for progress, not perfection."
    For the witty bootcampers:
    A little update on how I'm doing, since we're all together on this!
    Yesterday I started working out and didn't finish, I went out with my boyfriend and my grandmum to do grocery shopping .-. It was fun, though (: It's the first time we hung out outside of school in a month, since we had both travelled on holidays and school started last monday for us :I But it's okay, I'll just work out today, it's not the end of the world (:
    Remember to breathe at a pace, deep breaths, and not shallow (:
    30 Lateral steps & pulls
    30 Slow rocking butt kickers
    30 High knee pulls
    40 Standing torso twists
    60 Second jog in place
    20 Bodyweight Squats
    60 Second boxer shuffle
    20 Cross-toe touches
    30 Squats and jumps
    40 Single Leg Raises (20 reps per leg)
    15 Knee Push-ups
    10 Crunches
    15 Reverse crunches
    30 Jumping Jacks
    Have fun! (:
    Tell me how you did! Comment here or on my page (:

  6. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 8:30am UTC
    Staying Healthy: Fitness Advice
    Rules & Tips
    1. Drink at least 8 tall glasses of water per day.
    If you don't like water, you can make green tea (without sugar) and keep it in the fridge or make fruit-infused water (really simple, just google it!)
    2. Have a decent breakfast.
    3. Eat protein in every single meal.
    4. Try to eat apples and/or berries every day.
    5. Stay motivated: Don't do it because you have to - do it because you want to.
    6. Avoid late-night snacking. Your metabolism slows down at night, so your food will turn into fat to store rather than fat to burn.
    "It feels better to say 'I did it' than to say 'I give up'."
    For the witty bootcampers:
    Okay, so since it's our first day, I'll give you a bit of everything.
    I only have a few basic rules for you before we start:
    ♢ Always have water with you.
    ♢ Do it properly, but at your own pace.
    20 Lateral steps & pulls
    20 Slow rocking butt kickers
    20 High knee pulls
    30 Standing torso twists
    60 Second jog in place
    10 Bodyweight Squats
    60 Second boxer shuffle
    10 Cross-toe touches
    20 Squats and jumps
    Technically these are warm-ups, but the intensity will increase daily!
    Also, because of the timezones, I will post the exercises for tomorrow tonight.
    When you snack
    I want you to snack healthy. Remember to have a nice breakfast (I LOVEE wholewheat bagels or bread with tomato and cottage cheese), but as for snacks I have a few suggestions for you, try to follow those over the weekend instead of grabbing that bag of doritos /drools
    1. Tomato slices with feta cheese, a bit of olive oil and maybe some black pepper on top.
    2. Baked sweet potatoes (http://www.parenting.com/article/baked-sweet-potato-fries)
    3. In starbucks, get the tall skinny latte. If you're like me and love the vanilla late, just ask for them to add some vanilla onto your skinny! (:
    4. BANANAS. You can also make this sort of egg & banana only pancakes.
    5. Fruit flavoured yoghurts (I really like activia or dannon's light & fit)
    6. Avocado! I love crushing avocado, adding a bit of lemon to it and just having it like that! You can also add it to your sandwiches if you want, it tastes fa-bu-lous.
    I'll post more later! I'm going out!
    I'm here for you if you need anything (:

  7. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2013 1:05am UTC
    Witty Bootcamp
    Okay, so since you were all basically working towards the same goal,
    I decided to put you all in one big group!
    We will all be working (including myself) towards getting a more toned body!
    If your name isn't on the list above, you can still join us on the work outs, of course.
    But these people are the ones who I will check in on on their profiles, etc.
    I will post the work outs this afternoon right before I work out, so we can do it together (it will be morning for people in the U.S and afternoon (ish) for most people in Europe), I'm going out to school right now so I don't have much time. :/
    Also, I'll notify you all whenever I post a workout but it'd be so much easier if you could follow me so that I don't have to go profile by profile saying "Exercises are up!" Every day :3
    If not, it's cool though (:
    If you have any questions or anything feel free to comment on my profile, I'll do my best to help you (:
    We're working towards healthy, not skinny. We're working towards self-confidence, not towards acceptance from society.

  8. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 11:26am UTC
    Witty Bootcamp
    How it works:
    1. You comment here what areas you're trying to work on and/or your weight&height (:
    2. I will split you all into groups (group yellow, red, etc, etc).
    3. I will post daily exercises/tips for these groups, every day (obviously) for nine days (intensity will increase daily).
    4. I will check in on you to ask how you're doing, motivaional quotes, etc.
    Also, I'll be working out as well so you always have me to talk to as well as your group colleagues!

  9. Enhance Enhance
    posted a quote
    September 5, 2013 9:37am UTC
    The skinny healthy rules!
    1. Drink a large glass of water before every single meal.
    2. Eat protein every meal unless you want to stay hungry and grouchy.
    (examples: turkey, chicken, tuna, salmon, halibut, pork loin, beef, veal, tofu, soy beans, eggs, pumpink, squash)
    3. Eat around 45 grams of fiber per day.
    here is a site with a list of high-fiber foods: click here
    4. Eat apples and/or berries every day (if possible)
    5. Avoid carbs after lunch.
    6. Try making one day of the week meatless!
    7. No fast foods girl!
    8. Eat a real breakfast.
    9. Avoid high-salt foods!
    10. Sleep right.
    11. Allow yourself one splurge a week!
    12. Try to eat slowly, it takes your brain a while to let you know you're hungry.
    13. When hungry, EAT.
    When full, STOP.


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